Tests. Math. 3course. 8variant

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Tests .MATH.3kurs 8variant
JAMOAT SALOMATLIGI, SOG’LIQNI SAQLASHNI, mustaqillik yillarida ozbekistonda sogliqni saqlash tizimining rivojlanishi samarqand viloyati misolida, Axbarot kutubxona fondini hujjati bilan ta’minlash, Noorganik va organik birikmmalarning suyuqlanmalaridan va qattiq fazada sintez qilish, 2 5325619929322367362, 9-amaliyot. Jarayonning matematik modelini tuzishda eng kichik kvadratlar usuli.chiziqli algoritm, polinom ko’rinishidagi algoritm. (1), Hisob varaqasi

1. What is LAPTOP?
a) microscope b)telephone c) internet d) computer
2. What is PERCENT?
a)% b)+ c)- d):
3. I have lived in this house … I was seven years old.
a) for b)since c) after d) while
4. –When are you coming back? - … Monday.
a)at b)on c)in d)for
5. We lived in Canada …2000 …2020.
a) in/to b)from/to c)to/from d)from /in
6. Don’t forget to close the windows… you go out.
a)during b)from c)before d)after
7. Everybody was nervous … exam.
a)during b)from c)before d)after
8. We … …. quietly when the fire started.
a)read b)reads c)were reading d)are reading
9. We … tennis every Thursday after 6.
a)play b)played c)plays d)have play
10.When I was a girl I … a cake every day.
a)eating b)eat c)ate d)eats
11. Sam started to work after he … school.
a)finished b)finishes c)finish d)finishing
12. Ann … … the plates while Bob was washing up.
a)wiped b)wipes c) was wiping d) wipe
13….. I was a girl I ate an ice-cream every day.
a) where b)when c)why d)what
14. Helen …. ….. her pencil.
a)have broken b)has broken c)has break d)has broke
15. …. you …. any other countries?
a)has/visited b)have/visited c)has/visit d)have/visit
16. I …. …. to Italy and France.
a)has visited b)have visited c)has visit d)have visit
17. Translate-RESEACH.
a)izlanish b)uhlash c)intizom d)kulish
a)oson b)ayrish c)bo’lmoq d)murakkab
19. The teacher said water…at 0 C.
a)is freeze b) freezing c)freezes d) frozen
20. …. bag is this?
a)who b)whose c)why d)whom
21…..kind of films do you prefer?
a)where b)whose c)why d)what
22.- …you talk to Pam? -No, I …
a)did/didn’t b)did/did c)do /does d)does/didn’t
23.Who …in Madrid?
a)lives b)live c)living d)do live
24. Fergana is a pearl of … …
a)Central Asia b)Far East c)Central America d)Central Russia
25. I like to watch …
a)piano b)tennis c)radio d)TV
26.I … a student of Fergana State University.
a) am b)is c) are d)were
27 what is the capital of the USA?
a)Washington b)Tashkent c)New York d)London
28 Samarqand is an …city.
a)ancient b)big c)new d)-
29 He arrived …to the wedding party.
a)early b)- c)near d)in
30 Messi …. born on 24 June,1987. A)- b)was c)were d)are
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