Toshpolatov Shehroz - page
Toshpolatov Shehroz
Experienced IT professionals building web applications. I specialize in Python and have experience with Django,
Rest API, which are used in commercial development, so have experience with frameworks like FastAPI, Django
with some knowledge in Front-end Technologies such as ReactJs
Python (Concurrency, Threading, Multiprocessing) | Django | DRF | FastAPI | Aiogram | Celery(+cronjobs)
| Docker | SQL(Sqlite3, Postgresql, MongoDB) | (GitHub) | Linux | Cloud storage (D.Ocean) |JavaScript | React js|
ElasticSearch (DB indexing) | MessageBrokers(Redis, RabbitMQ)
Python Developer
Eurosoft MCHJ
March 2023 - Present (1 year 3 months)
* Leadership of the development team
* SOLID architecture skills.
* Introduced pair programming, architectural patterns and code quality reviews to reduce tech debt.
* Conducted testing every a week; created testing documentation and actively reported bugs affecting
software performance
* Recruiting and interviewing new developers
* Also, I looked at the coding style of the programmers and tested their code.
* Worked closely with front end developers remotely conducted zoom
meetings/stand ups to risks and deliver project features faster
*Remote working with team & Project managers
* Utilized Gitflow workflow to efficiently manage and track code changes and collaborate with team
* Lead developer meetings, offering logistics-based solutions to project issues
Python Developer
ICT Academy
Nov2022 - Feb 2023 (4 months)
It was my own freelance team. I was Team lead at my own group.
Especially group main purpose that take order projects (website + telegram bots) as freelance. In
addition our group give the bonus what 2 month free server for clients who use our service.
* Managed the group of 3 intern developers to make sure that projects are delivered on time
* Worked closely with the marketing team
* Conducted daily code review and mentored junior developers to write quality code
More: group demo website for take orders.
Toshpolatov Shehroz - page
Python Developer
Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine of the Republic of Uzbekistan
March 2022 - Oct 2022 (7 months)
Specifically, I worked with the Django Rest API. Docker, Web-socket, Celery. Based on the instructions
of the team leader, I connected the integration between SAP and ODOO platforms.
* Followed and received feedback from fellow senior developers
* Maintained and added features to the existing web applications
* Optimized response time of APIs by 3x optimizing table structures and effectively running SQL queries
with transactions
* Fixed in the legacy code
* Automated project with Celery
* Developed powerful APIs
Python Developer
TUIT Incubation Center
Oct 2021 - Feb 2022 (5 months)
* Developed powerful APIs with dynamic Multilanguage content using DRF.
* Also, I looked at the coding style of the programmers and tested their code.
* Configured NGINX and deployed the company’s projects on digital ocean
* Found vulnerabilities and fixed in the legacy code
* Leadership of the development team
* Worked closely with front end developers remotely conducted zoom
meetings/stand ups to risks and deliver project features faster
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