• " is missing, Please check file name" ); } catch
  • Types of Exceptions(istisnolar turlari)

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    Types of Exceptions

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Below line calls readFile method and prints content of it
    String filename="test.txt";
    try {
    String fileContent = new main().readFile(filename);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    System.out.println("File:"+ filename+" is missing, Please check file name");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("File is not having permission to read, please check the permission");
    public String readFile(String filename)throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
    FileInputStream fin;
    int i;
    String s="";
    fin = new FileInputStream(filename);
    // read characters until EOF is encountered
    do {
    i = fin.read();
    if(i != -1) s =s+(char) i+"";
    } while(i != -1);
    return s;

    1. **`CheckedExceptionDemo` klassi:**
    - Bu klass faylni o'qish uchun `readFile` metodini ishga tushuradi.
    - `main` metodi faylni o'qib uni ichidagi ma'lumotlarni chiqaradi.
    - Fayl topilmaganligi uchun `FileNotFoundException` va fayl o'qishga ruxsat berilmaganligi uchun `IOException` bosqichlarida istisno (exception) qabul qiladi.

    2. **`readFile` metod:**
    - Bu metod faylni o'qish uchun ishga tushurilgan.
    - `FileNotFoundException` va `IOException` istisnolarini e'lon qiladi.
    - Metod ichidagi `do-while` tsikli orqali fayldagi har bir belgini o'qib olib, uni qo'shib, EOF (faylning oxiriga yetishish) bilan yakunlanadi.
    - Faylni yopish uchun `fin.close()` ishlatiladi.
    - O'qilgan ma'lumotlar string ko'rinishida qaytariladi.

    3. **`main` metodi:**
    - `readFile` metodini chaqirib, o'qilgan ma'lumotlarni konsolga chiqaradi.
    - `FileNotFoundException` uchun xabar chiqarilgan bo'lsa, "File: {filename} is missing, Please check file name" degan xabar chiqariladi.
    - `IOException` uchun xabar chiqarilgan bo'lsa, "File is not having permission to read, please check the permission" degan xabar chiqariladi.

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    Types of Exceptions(istisnolar turlari)

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