External Research Support:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), “Sex Matters: Understanding Sex Differences in Exercise Efficacy on Brain Health in Mild Cognitive Impairment“, (Teresa Liu-Ambrose et al), 2020-2024, 661,724 Canadian dollars.
National Institute on Aging, Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions. “An Integrated Two-Way Communication and Near-Real-Time Sensing System to Detect and Modify Daily
Inactivity among Adults > 60“. (D. John et al). 2020-2021, $ 75,000.
National Institute on Aging, “Supplement to Investigate Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise: PET Scanning”, (Kramer & Hillman), 2019-2022, $ 2,700,000.
National Institute on Aging, “Antioxidant Imaging Marker of Investigating Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise (AIM-IGNITE)”, (Phil Lee et al) 2019-2022, $ 2,254,397.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand for Childhood Cancer, “A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Home Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Cognitive Late Effects in Children Treated with Cranial Radiation for Brain Tumors” (Pam Wolters et al) 2018-2020, $ 300,000.
National Institute on Aging, Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions. “Changing and understanding motivation to increase physical activity among sedentary older adults”. (M. Geddes et al). 2019-2021, $ 129,421.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Sympathetic nervous system mediation of acute exercise effects on childhood brain and cognition” (Hillman et al), 2018-2023, $ 2,852,000.
Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong, “Tai Chi versus Walking in Promoting Mental Health in Adults: A randomized controlled trial” (Hui et al), 2017-2020, 687,992 HK $.
National Institute on Aging, “Investigating gains in neurocognition in an intervention trial of exercise”, (with Kirk Erickson, Jeff Burns, and Edward McAuley), 2016-2022, $22,170,107.
National Institute on Aging, “Cognitive regulation training and exercise (CORTEX II) with middle-aged adults” (with Sean Mullen, Edward McAuley & Sa Shen), 2016-2021, $ 2,732,683.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, “Reshaping the path of mild cognitive impairment by refining exercise prescription: Understanding training type and exploring mechanisms” (Liu-Ambrose et al), 2015-2020, $ 900,150.
Abbott Nutrition, “Retrospectively studying the effects of early life lutein intake on cognitive function and brain health in preadolescent children: The RETLU study” (with N. Khan et al), 2015-2017, $ 179,433.
Abbott Nutrition, “Longitudinally dynamic biomarkers of healthy brain aging in the Illinois elderly adult cohort” (with A. Barbey et al), 2015-2017, $ 732,819.
Abbott Nutrition, “Optimizing assessment tools for determining nutritional enhancement of learning and memory” (with N. Cohen et al), 2015-2017, $ 179,433.
Australian Research Council, Discovery award, “Optimal strategies for collaborative visual search” (PI: J. McCarley), 2015-2019, 502,789 Australian dollars.
Abbott Nutrition, “Nutritional Enhancement of Cognitive and Physical Performance in Active Duty Air Force Personnel: A Randomized Controlled Trial” (PI: A. Barbey), 2014-2017, $ 1,008,068.
Intelligence Advanced Projects Agency (IARPA), “An integrative system for enhancing fluid
intelligence (Gf) through human cognitive, fitness, HD-tDCS, and nutritional intervention
(INSIGHT)”, (PI: A. Barbey), 2013-2017, $ 12,919,000.
CIHR, Institute of Aging (Canada), “Gaining Insight to Brain-Behavior Relationships: Developing a Neuroepidemiology Study Using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging” (PI: Teresa Liu-Ambrose), 2013-2014, $ 24,620.
Keck Futures Initiative, “Nature and cognitive restoration: How does the brain behave in a non-digital world?” (with David Strayer), 2013-2014, $ 50,000.
Office of Naval Research SBIR, “Portable adaptive cognitive training” (with Alexandra Geyer), 2012-2014, $ 750,000.
Swedish Research Council, “Be smart, Exercise your heart: Using PET/CT to study physical exercise effects on the dopaminergic system in relation to aging and cognition”, Carl-Johan Olsson (PI), 2012-2016, 3,000,000 kroner.
National Institute of Health, “Cognitive regulation and training”, S. Mullen (PI), 2012-2014, $ 434,891.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Enhancing children’s cognitive and brain health through physical activity training”, 2012-2018, $ 3,075,701.
Abbott Nutrition, “Synergistic effects of exercise and nutrition on cognitive and brain health of older adults: A randomized controlled trial”, 2012-2017, $ 2,495,272.
Abbott Nutrition, Nutrient biomarker patterns, cognitive function, and MRI measures of brain aging”, A. Barbey (PI), 2012-2016, $ 845,301.
Abbott Nutrition, “Optimizing assessment tools for determining nutritional enhancement of learning and memory”, 2012-2016, N. Cohen (PI), $ 715,909.
Abbott Nutrition, “The effects of fortified nutritional supplementation on cognition, memory, and achievement”, 2012-2016, C. Hillman (PI), $ 1,547,371.
National Institute on Aging, “Acting out: Influence of an acting intervention on cognition and brain function”, 2011-2017, $ 1,408,500.
Office of Naval Research, “The gaze contingent multi-resolutional display blur detection as a measure of the useful field of view”, 2011-2014, $ 1,049,799.
Abbott Nutrition, “Grand Challenge, Administrative Core” (with Neal Cohen- PI and Gene Robinson) 2011-2017, $ 2,052,625.
National Institute on Aging, “Aging, fitness and neurocognitive function”, NIH merit award, 2005-2017, $ 6,987,000.
National Institutes of Health, “Controlling sensitivity bias in functional MRI studies due to field inhomogeneity” (with Brad Sutton – PI), 2010-2012, $ 404,995.
American Federation for Aging, “Age-related demyelination in motor pathways predicts reduction in fine
motor control” (with Brad Sutton – PI), 2010-2011, $ 75,000.
National Institutes of Health, “Brain & behavioral correlates of fitness, cerebrovasular function and aging” (with M. Fabiani – PI, G. Gratton & B. Sutton), 2009-2011, $ 944,526.
Office of Naval Research, “Capitalizing on animal and human research on brain plasticity to enhance training and performance” MURI award, 2007-2013, $ 6,750,000.
National Institute on Aging, The senior odyssey: A test of the engagement hypothesis of cognitive aging (with E. Stine-Morrow - PI, D. Morrow, & D. Park), 2007-2012, $ 2,903,000.
National Institute on Aging, “Aging and multi-task training”, 2005-2010, $ 1,499,600.
Qualcom Inc, “Annoying cell phone research”, 2006-2007, $ 158,951 (with Charissa Lansing, Jason McCarley, Jont Allen & Mark Hasagawa-Johnson).
Institute for the Study of Aging, “Enhancing cognitive and brain function of older adults, 2005-2007, $ 250,000.
Office of Naval Research, “A cognitive neuroscience approach for enhancing training and performance”, 2005-2007, $ 625,780.
DARPA, “Assessing mental workload in single and dual-tasks with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging”, 2004, $ 80,000.
Office of Naval Research, “Experiments to address display interface and training issues for the Navy’s DCL system”, 2004-2007, $ 282,347.
Riken Brain Science Institute, “Enhancing cognitive and brain plasticity of older adults”, 2003-2006, $81,000 (with Stan Colcombe).
National Institute on Aging, “Roybal Center for Healthy Minds”, 2003-2008, $ 1,806,844 (with Denise Park).
National Institute on Aging, “Exercise, Executive Processes, and the Aging Brain”, 2003-2006, $ 936,148 (with Charles Hillman & Edward McAuley).
General Motors Corporation, “Towards an understanding of the influence of speaking and speech comprehension on the management of distraction and automotive workload”, 2004-2005, $ 160,000 (with Gary Dell, Kay Bock & Susan Garnsey).
National Institute on Aging, “Studying neurovascular coupling in aging with optical methods”, 2002-2007, $ 3,424,091 (with Monica Fabiani, Gabrielle Gratton et al).
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “Optical imaging analysis of the frontal lobes and executive function”, 2002-2005, $ 1,204,000 (with Monica Fabiani, Gabrielle Gratton et al).
General Motors Corporation, “Human factors research for the next generation vehicle: Reducing driver distraction”, 2001-2005, $ 775,000 (gift).
General Motors Corporation, “Evaluation of the efficacy of proximity warning devices”, 2001-2002, $ 364,875 (with Hank Kaczmarski).
National Institute on Aging, “Aging, Fitness, and Neurocognitive Function”, 2001-2005, $ 1,659,423.
National Institutes of Health, “Memory during visual search”, 2002-2005, $ 446,623 (With M. Peterson & J. McCarley)
Institute for the Study of Aging, “Influence of fitness on the neurocognitive function of older adults”, 2001-2004, $ 433,054.
Federal Aviation Administration, “Visual search for complex shapes”, 2001-2002, $ 88,000 (with J. McCarley & C. Wickens).
National Science Foundation, “Electrostatic Haptic Displays for the Visually Impaired, 2000–2002, $395,497 (with D. Beebe).
Army Research Laboratory, “Multimodal display augmentation”, 1999-2002, $ 992,000 (with R. Bargar & D. Beebe).
National Institute on Aging, “Aging and dual-task performance: Training interventions”, 1998-2002,
$ 613,409.
Federated Army Research Laboratory, "Advanced interactive displays", 1996-2001, $ 9,359,460 (with T. Huang, G. McConkie).
National Institute of Health, "Exercise, Aging and Psychological Function", 1995-2000, $ 971,546 (with E. McAuley, M. Banich & N. Cohen).
Office of Naval Research, "Pilot Skill Development and Visual Scanning", 1996-1999, $ 396,663 (with S. Doane & C. Wickens).
National Institute of Health, "Cognitive plasticity and aging: Dual-task training effects", 1994-1998, $ 426,182.
Federal Aviation Administration, "Helicopter Flight into Obstacle Rich Environments", 1996-1997,
$ 423,455 (with C. Wickens).
Office of Naval Research, "Functional imaging studies of cognitive processing", 1993-1996, $ 77,421.
Office of Naval Research, "Visual scanning as an index of pilot skill acquisition", 1992-1995, $ 476,125 (with C. Wickens).
Office of Naval Research, "Interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in the control of attention in the visual field", 1992-1996, $ 187,445.
National Institute of Health, "Development of skilled performance in the elderly", 1991-1994, $237,799.
Office of Naval Technology, "Biopsychometric assessment of workload and performance decrements", 1992-1993, $ 35,000.
Office of Naval Research, "Control of the mind's eye: The dynamics of the distribution of visual attention", 1989-1992, $162,346.
Office of Naval Research, "Effects of fatigue on skilled performance", 1990-1992, $65,000.
Office of Naval Technology, "Closed loop adaptive aiding", 1989-1992, $127,800.
NASA Ames Research Center, "The assessment and use of workload measurement techniques in the acquisition and performance of complex skills", 1990-1992, $90,000.
Boeing-Vertol, "Workload assessment in the LHX helicopter", 1989-1990, $286,000 (with C. Wickens).
NASA Ames Research Center, "The assessment and prediction of mental metrics", 1987-1990, $191,452.
National Institute of Health, "Aging and the Development of Automatic Processing", 1989-1990, $38,050.
National Institute of Health, "Event-related brain potentials and memory", 1988-1991, $322,177 (with E. Donchin).
Honeywell Inc., "Focused attention in depth", 1988-1989, $30,000 (with G. Andersen).
NASA Ames Research Center, "Event-related brain potential indices of cognitive workload and automaticity", 1985-1988, $60,090.
Northern Telecom, Inc., "Large scale technological innovation: An assessment of training effectiveness", 1986-1988, $101,759 (with C. Hulin).
NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant, "The allocation of spatial attention in a dynamic visual environment", 1985-1987, $11,470.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research, "The event-related brain potential as an index of information processing, cognitive activity, and skill acquisition", 1984-1988, $508,647 (with M. Coles & E. Donchin).