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  • Ways of forming the infrastructure of the digital economy in uzbekistan

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    Article Begimkulov J


    Begimkulov Javokhirbek Jurakul ugli

    Gulistan State University, PhD student
    Kazakbayev Abdumajid Abduvali ugli
    Gulistan State University, student

    Annotation: In the article, it is of great interest to study and take into account new economic phenomena, in particular, to separate the digital economy as a relatively independent part of the new economy, because it is important to improve the quality and speed of economic management, to make amendments to the rules and legal field of doing business, digital technologies - focused on enabling the creation of innovative products, services and services based on the economy of impressions, MICE-industry, Smart-city and the like.
    Keywords: MICE-industry, digital economy, Hard and Soft Ware, innovation, globalization.
    The world's largest companies are already using various information technologies. However, implementing a platform does not make a business digital. What is the difference between a normal technology platform and a digital economy platform? First, digital economy platforms are intended to create the most convenient interactions for many participants of a network or industry. Currently, it is difficult to find examples of fully settled public platforms, but the future lies behind such solutions.[1]
    Second, and more importantly, digital economy platforms should automate end-to-end business processes. A complete digital economy platform should consist of 3 parts. These are: consumer ecosystems, producer ecosystems and the communicative core.
    The development of national economies towards the new digital economy requires the expansion of theoretical research and debate in this area. Practical program actions of the higher management bodies aimed at creating a techno-digital platform for the development of the national economy can also make a great contribution to the transition to a new economy. The essence of the digital economy, that is, revolutionary changes in digital technologies, is closely related to the modernization of Internet communication, its rapid development and innovations in the fields of Hard Ware and Soft Ware.[3]
    The content-related side of the digital economy is primarily manifested in the reform of the education system and the "digitalization" of all aspects of human life. For example, the emergence of innovations such as computerization of industrial design and modeling of construction readiness in production will facilitate the design of complex products such as machine tools, cars, trains, airplanes, buildings, etc., and significantly shorten the work cycle. The emergence and implementation of new digital technologies (production, financial, management, social, etc.) in our country can lead to a large number of positive effects and results for the national economy: increase in labor productivity; increase in capitalization; improvement of quality of life; formation of new markets; increase in efficiency of utilization of resources (assets, capital, powers); increase in competitiveness; increased security; increase in public welfare.
    Thus, the development of the digital economy is primarily determined not only by revolutionary technological changes, but also by the laws of evolution of the new economy, directing modern management to consider new management principles and rules of business conduct, serving to increase product quality and labor productivity. eliminates the negative aspects of the economic cycle, reduces inflation and unemployment, ensures stable growth of the economy in the conditions of globalization.[2]
    As a result of increased globalization, there are also changes in the distribution of the labor market. According to the last meeting of the World Economic Forum, by 2025, 85 million jobs will be lost, but 97 million jobs will be created instead.
    So, what will be the impact of the accelerated development of technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy of Uzbekistan due to the pandemic.
    What needs to be done so that developing countries like Uzbekistan become inventors in technological leaps and actively participate in global technology platforms.
    In future issues:
    • By 2030, the world's population is expected to grow by 13 percent
    • 1/3 of employment will change by 2035 due to automation and digitization
    • 85 percent of the global workforce is low- and medium-skilled workers
    • Today, 14 percent of all work can be automated.[4]
    We are used to thinking about the future as a perfect new stage of development that is coming in some distant perspective. However, today, the speed and depth of changes in all spheres - economy, politics, social, technological sectors - have reached an unprecedented speed. These changes are not future trends. Today, they are changing the labor market at different speeds, at different scales and at different levels of depth, everywhere, moreover, all over the world. The labor market is changing under the influence of megatrends. Such megatrends represent large-scale structural changes that directly affect all aspects of human life. The authors of the report emphasize the following three groups of these megatrends: technological, socio-economic and cultural groups.
    It is necessary to ensure the appropriate dynamics and increase the quality of human capital for the growth of the economy in the conditions of rapid technological development and constant market changes. The share of highly qualified specialists in countries with a high GDP per capita and innovative economy is the highest in the world - from 22 to 45% (the world average is 15%). On the one hand, this legality indicates that without developing human capital, it is impossible to achieve technical progress in the future, to solve socio-demographic problems and relevant cultural changes. On the other hand, it is known that highly qualified and suitable personnel do not appear by themselves in the economy. In the 21st century, the world economy is creating new requirements for the quality and diversity of the workforce. But adaptation of the educational system to the new requirements of the labor market takes a certain amount of time.
    As one of the leading trends of the digital and new economy, the calculation of the "disappearance" of the material components of production and products, their replacement by components that are not in the form of goods, has been accepted. Here, first of all, the trend of growth of the role and importance of information-digital components in production costs is envisaged. The acquisition, digital processing and transmission of information is becoming more and more important than the physical, analog movement of products and sometimes even traditional money. In addition, the value of companies and firms, their competitiveness is increasingly not with tangible assets, but with intangible assets: the knowledge of people, human capital, ideas, artificial intelligence and the strategic combination of key intellectual property that provide a firm with a strategic advantage over competitors. is defined by 'indisi' (having ideas, innovative digital technologies).
    The analysis of the programs of digital transformation of the economies of leading countries allows us to distinguish the following main directions, which are designated as priorities for Uzbekistan:
    - creation of national digital legislation;
    - state financing of modern digital projects;
    - regulation of tax policy and optimization of the investment environment;
    - transparency and efficiency of public administration, increasing employment;
    - ensuring cyberspace security;
    - digitalization of industry based on cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 3D printing in order to increase labor productivity;
    - digital agriculture (precision farming and digital animal husbandry, agricultural works, etc.);
    - big data and 5G communication;
    - smart networks and powerful energy-saving devices, including portable devices;
    - smart cities, digital education and healthcare.
    1. Ayupov R.H., Baltabayeva G.R. "Digital Currency Market: Innovation and Development Prospects". - Tashkent: "Science and Technology" publishing house, 2018, p. 99.
    2. Ayupov R.H., Baltabayeva G.R. "Directions of innovative development in small business and entrepreneurship". - Tashkent: "Science and Technology" publishing house, 2018, 201 pages.
    3. S.S. Gulyamov, R.H. Ayupov, O.M. Abdullayev, G.R. Baltabayeva "Blockchain technologies in the digital economy" Tashkent 2019 pp. 101-107.
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    Ways of forming the infrastructure of the digital economy in uzbekistan

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