We interviewed 1000 citizens who take the bus at least days a week

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Баённома 11.11.22, Rahimjon iqtisodiyot, namuna, Nodirov JAVOHIR H


1.We interviewed 1000 citizens who take the bus at least 5 days a week
Biz haftasiga kamida 5 kun avtobusda yuradigan 1000 nafar fuqaro bilan suhbatlashdik
2. they all agreed that there is not enough service in morning rush hour
Ular ertalabki tig'iz soatlarda xizmat yetarli emasligiga rozi bo'lishdi
3.additionally they said that the busses are too crowded
qo'shimcha ravishda ular avtobuslar juda gavjum ekanligini aytishdi
4.this is why we believe we must add more vehicles tu busy routes
Shuning uchun biz band bo'lgan marshrutlarga ko'proq transport vositalarini qo'shishimiz kerak deb hisoblaymiz
5.if we do this we will have more satisfied customers
Agar biz buni qilsak, biz ko'proq mamnun mijozlarga ega bo'lamiz


  1. then, she will give you the key and show you around the apartment

keyin, u sizga kalitni beradi va kvartirani ko'rsatadi

  1. before you check out please leave the key in the maibox

Chiqishdan oldin kalitni pochta qutisiga qoldiring

  1. at this time you can also ask her any questions about things to do in the area

Bu vaqtda siz unga hududda qilinadigan ishlar haqida har qanday savol berishingiz mumkin

  1. during your stay you can use any of the flat's amenities at your leisure

turar joyingiz davomida siz bo'sh vaqtingizda kvartiraning barcha qulayliklaridan foydalanishingiz mumkin

  1. Jessica our host will great you on arrival

Bizning mezbonimiz Jessica kelganingizda sizni yaxshi kutib oladi



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We interviewed 1000 citizens who take the bus at least days a week

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