Message APIs for Cryptography
Windows CE adds new messaging APIs for cryptography. These APIs perform the following tasks:
Create and work directly with PKCS #7 messages.
Encode PKCS #7 data for transmission.
Decode PKCS #7 data received.
Decrypt and verify the signatures of received messages.
For more information, see Cryptography Functions.
Local Authentication Subsystem
Windows CE 5.0 adds the local authentication subsystem, which enables a modular device lock mechanism with support for plug-ins that include a password and PIN plug-in, a smart card plug-in, and a fingerprint plug-in.
For more information, see Local Authentication Subsystem (LASS).
Credential Manager
Credential Manager is one of several authentication services in Windows CE that authenticates clients using accessing remote resources. Credential Manager manages credential information, such as user names and passwords. Windows CE 5.0 provides the following enhancements to Credential Manager:
More secure caching of Security Support Provider (SSP) credentials
Credential caching for multiple targets
Modification of applications to use Credential Manager APIs
For more information, see Credential Manager.
Authentication Services
Windows CE 5.0 provides the following authentication services:
Support for client datagram mode in the NTLM package
Support for AcceptSecurityContext in the Negotiate security package
Shell and User Interface
Graphics, Windowing and Events (GWES)
Windows CE 5.0 adds the following GWES functionality:
Support for device-independent bitmap (DIB) in the ImageList_Add function, which allows the ImageList_Add function to accept a DIB for the images that are added to the Image List
In versions earlier than 4.2, the Image List control accepted only DDB for the images that are sent to the control through ImageList_Add.
New styles for list boxes so a list box owner can draw its contents and specify whether the items in the list box are fixed or variable height
For more information on LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED and LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE, see List Box Styles.
Windows CE Standard Shell
Windows CE 5.0 adds or enhances the following Windows CE Standard Shell functionality:
Animation control, which supports the Microsoft Win32® common control known as an animation control
An animation control is a window that displays an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) clip. For more information, see Animation Controls.
A recycle bin that works with DB volume
This enables OEMs to target where a database volume should reside to preserve its state. The recycle bin uses a database in the object store to track what has been deleted. In earlier versions of Windows CE, this database was lost and could not be restored if the device powered down. For more information, see SHGetSpecialFolderPath
A new extension for the Desktop.ini file, which enables a link (LNK) file to be associated with a resource string that will become the name of the LNK file
An update to the ShellExecuteEx function, which enables a missing verb or action functionality
For more information, see ShellExecuteEx.
Support for the following list-view common controls:
Background image
Double buffer
Work area
Support for the Taskbar interface, ITaskbarList2
ITaskbarList2 interface extends the ITaskbarList interface by providing a method to mark a window as a full-screen display.
Updates to the following functionality in Windows CE Explorer:
The Taskbar is componentized and easier to customize.
Background images for Windows CE Explorer can be generated from files other than BMP files.
A wider set of formats for the background image is based on the image decoder availability starting in Windows CE 5.0.
When the appropriate image decoders are included in the run-time image, you can choose among several formats for the background image that include .bmp, .gif, and .jpg. For more information, see Control Panel Applications.
Windows Thin Client Shell
In Windows CE 5.0, the Windows Thin Client Shell bypasses, by default, the Thin Client wizards, providing a default connection. When this default connection is used, the user is prompted for a server.
For more information, see Configuring the Thin Client Startup Behavior.
User Interface
In Windows CE 5.0, the Network User Interface (UI) and the security support providers (SSPs) use the new Credential Manager infrastructure. These changes might impact OS developers that have their own custom Network UI. For more information, see Network User Interface Migration.
Voice over IP Phone Services
Voice Over IP (VoIP)
Windows CE 5.0 adds the following functionality to enable easier OS design customization for IP phones:
A general-purpose integration library for Microsoft Exchange Server, which you can use to provide contact information
An updated VoIP Application Interface Layer (VAIL) component, for automatic locking and unlocking of a phone when connected to a Windows-based desktop computer
You can access this functionality in the Platform Builder Catalog under Voice over IP Phone Services.
For more information, see Developing an IP Phone.
PC Authentication
Windows CE 5.0 adds a Windows CE Local Authentication Plugin (LAP), which performs user authentication by determining if a computer running Windows CE is locked or unlocked.
For more information, see PC Authentication.
Phone IME
Windows CE 5.0 adds a Phone input method editor (IME) that provides triple-tap functionality for use only by the Telephony User Interface (TUI) application. Extending Phone IME or using it in other applications is not supported.
For more information, see Phone IME.
Real-time Communications (RTC) Client API
In Windows CE 5.0, the RTC Client API is the same as RTC Client 1.2 that is included in Microsoft Windows XP.
For more information, see Real-time Communications Client API and Developing an IP Phone.
Telephony User Interface (TUI)
The TUI application provides an IP phone user interface that customers can use as example code or as a base for their own IP phone UI. TUI is targeted for the Broadcom BCM91101SP hardware platform.
Windows CE adds the following TUI functionality:
Integration with Microsoft Exchange for finding contacts
Free and busy status information
Voice messaging
Multi-party call conferencing
TUI is available through the Voice over IP Phone Services Catalog item.
For more information, see Developing an IP Phone.
VoIP Application Interface Layer (VAIL)
VAIL abstracts the lower-level interface provided by the RTC Client API to provide you with programming constructs better suited for use in VoIP applications.
For more information, see VoIP Application Interface Layer (VAIL).
Windows CE Error Reporting
Windows CE 5.0 adds the Windows CE Error Reporting tool, which collects specific information about a program error or program crash on a Windows CE-based system. When enabled, Windows CE Error Reporting collects crash information automatically. In addition, the Error Reporting tool offers you the option to use command-line instructions to collect similar information.
Windows CE 5.0 adds the following functionality for error reporting:
Support for collecting program error or program crash information
Support for saving program error or crash information to a dump file, and uploading the file to the Microsoft Web site,
Support for programmatically uploading any file from the device to
Support for programmatically generating error reports using the ReportFault and CaptureDumpFileOnDevice functions
Inclusion of an option in a run-time image to display a user-consent dialog box before uploading error reports
Inclusion of an option to choose control settings for Error Reporting from Control Panel
For more information, see Windows CE Error Reporting.
Platform Builder
Unified Build System
Windows CE 5.0 adds a unified build system to Platform Builder, which allows Platform Builder users to switch between the integrated development environment (IDE) and the command-line without problems. Because the IDE is a thin layer over the command-line build system, there is no functional difference in the run-time images that are produced using the IDE or the command-line.
The unified Build system adds the following functionality:
Targeted Build, which enables you to select a node on the FileView tab in the Workspace window, and then from the context menu, choose a command to build files in the selected node
The commands are Build, Build and Sysgen, and Sysgen.
An XML file (.pbxml) that contains information about a workspace
Previously .wce files contained this information.
Workspaces that, by default, are under the %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces directory
For more information, see Workspaces.
Projects that are based on sources and dirs files, and Platform Builder project (.pbp) files that are deprecated
For more information, see Sources File and Dirs File. When you create a project using the New Project Wizard, the information necessary for Platform Builder to build the project is contained in an XML-based project (.pbpxml) file. For more information, see Projects.
A FileView display that coincides with the directory structure you see when you use sources and dirs files
Projects you create appear in a node called Projects. A My Favorites folder exists for nodes for which you might want quick access. For more information, see FileView Tab.
A Build menu that is divided into Build Project and Build OS to accommodate new and changed menu options
For more information, see Build Project Menu Options and Build OS Menu Options.
A Project menu that includes updated commands
For more information, see Project Menu Options.
A Cesysgen.bat file that is divided into a master Cesysgen.bat file and smaller .bat files that correspond to each dependency tree in the %_WINCEROOT% directory
More robust dependencies for Platform Builder Catalog items in an OS design
This enables users to see complex dependencies for a selected item.
New and Updated Platform Builder Functionality
Windows CE 5.0 includes many enhancements to Platform Builder. For a comprehensive list of the changes, see Platform Builder User Interface Migration Issues. The following list highlights some of the enhancements:
Windows CE adds the following breakpoint functionality to Platform Builder:
A new breakpoint dialog box, which allows you to set a location, data, or message breakpoint
A Breakpoints List window
This is a window that can be docked that displays the list of user breakpoints in loaded executable code. The Breakpoints List window includes buttons that allow you to do the following tasks:
Create a new breakpoint
Delete a breakpoint or clear all breakpoints
Enable or disable breakpoints
Display breakpoint properties
Display source code at a breakpoint location
For more information, see Breakpoints List Window.
Core Connectivity UI
Windows CE provides a unified connectivity framework called Core Connectivity that supports developers working in Microsoft Platform Builder and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 development system. Windows CE 5.0 adds the following Core Connectivity UI functionality:
A USB over serial transport
Support for configuring Remote Connection functionality in the Target Device Connectivity Options dialog box and the Debug Message Options dialog box
For more information, see Target Device Connectivity Options Dialog Box and Debug Message Options Dialog Box.
For more information, see Target Menu Options.
CEBASE Configuration
Windows CE 5.0 includes only one configuration called CEBASE. The functionality is no longer divided into HLBASE or IABASE for headless and display-based devices, respectively.
Driver Resolver
Windows CE 5.0 improves the driver resolver. It determines which drivers must be added to an OS design based on the drivers supported by the current OS configuration and the drivers supported by the current BSP.
Environment Variables
An environment variable contains information about an aspect of the OS design, such as a drive, path, or configuration string. Windows CE 5.0 includes updated environment variables and new PRJ environment variables, which provide project-specific functionality in your OS designs.
For more information, see Environment Variables and PRJ Environment Variables.
Directory structure
In Windows CE 5.0, the Platform Builder directory structure has been updated.
For more information, see Platform Builder Directory Structure.
Dialog Boxes
Windows CE 5.0 adds or enhances the following Platform Builder dialog boxes:
For more information, see Project Settings Dialog Box.
Updated Platform Settings dialog box
For more information, see Platform Settings Dialog Box.
When creating a software development kit (SDK), the EULA files on the EULA/Readme tab must be in .rtf format, not .txt format. Also, custom user license agreements are now displayed to the end user in a separate dialog box from the Microsoft EULA that is required.
Platform Builder IDE Terminology
Windows CE 5.0 provides updated terminology in the Platform Builder IDE, which corresponds with terminology used in Help.
For more information, see Terminology.
Compiler and Linker
The language of Windows CE 5.0 compilers conforms to the Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 7.1 development system. Windows CE 5.0 adds the following C++ language features.
These enable link-time code generation, stack checking, and run-time error checking.
These enable the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) compiler and help manage IDL output.
These enable you to view standard libraries, executables, and DLL files.
These changes include conformance options; WMMX, SSE, and SSE2 intrinsic functions; and wide-character types.
For more information, see Compiler Migration Issues.
Removed or Changed Functionality in Platform Builder
In Windows CE 5.0, the following functionality has been removed or changed:
Catalog item (.cec) files do not contain information about how to build the related Catalog item.
For more information, see Catalog Item Files.
Some IMG environment variables have been removed.
For more information, see IMG Environment Variables.
Some BSP_NO environment variables have been removed.
For more information, see BSP_NO Environment Variables.
In Windows CE 5.0, the Help system for Platform Builder adds the following functionality:
An improved user interface
Customized filtering that allows you to filter Help topics based on development phases, information types, design templates, and Catalog item
For more information, see Help Filters.
The ability to access Help from the Catalog for device drivers and core OS services
The ability to open and view multiple document windows simultaneously
The ability to customize toolbars and move or dock navigation windows
For more information, see Help on Help in Document Explorer. To learn how to open Document Explorer, and to review other Help features, see Getting Assistance.