Windows XP/Windows 2000: “DEVMODEW” in the Windows DDK.
Windows Me/98: “DEVMODE” in the Windows Me DDK.
Windows 98/Me: Dynamic load/unload from RAM
Printer INF file and installation. [PRNT-0298]
Windows XP/Windows 2000: “Printer INF Files” in the Windows DDK.
Windows Me/98: “Installing and Using USB Printers with Microsoft Windows” and “Printer INF File Extensions” in the Windows Me DDK.
B8.1.5.2 Windows XP/Windows 2000: Printer driver runs only in user mode [Clarification]
Testing applies as of March 31, 2000 on new drivers. Resubmissions of existing kernel mode drivers are exempt from this requirement.
FAQ Date: July 8, 1999; revisions July 12, 1999
B8.1.5.3 ECP mode [Logo Program Clarification]
Support for ECP mode is required; support for bi-direction mode is not required.
FAQ Date: May 4, 2000
B8.1.5.4 Printers provide a non-legacy port [Logo Program Clarification
[PRNT-0294, 0297]
Printers use non-legacy port connections such as USB, IEEE 1394, or Ethernet. Printers can also include a legacy parallel interface in addition to the required non-legacy port connections. USB-to-printer port adapters are not considered an alternative non-legacy interface.
FAQ Date: January 31, 2001