With education as our focus here at The Best Colleges, we obviously love libraries. College libraries, public libraries, private libraries whatever and wherever they are, we love them all

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With education as our focus here at The Best Colleges

With education as our focus here at The Best Colleges, we obviously love libraries. College libraries, public libraries, private libraries — whatever and wherever they are, we love them all. For those of you not "of a certain age," a library is a quiet building that houses tons of books and reference materials, typically dating back to Ye Olde Pre-Internet Times. We may not be as reliant on brick-and-mortar libraries anymore, but even in the digital era, we had no trouble finding dozens of architecturally interesting libraries and libraries with interesting collections, as well as many that are actually fascinating in both respects. We'd love to spend a day in any of these libraries catching up on our reading and enjoying the sanctuary-esque vibes. The following 35 are libraries that we thought deserved a closer look — we hope you'll agree! The Library of Congress in Washington DC is essentially both the national library of the U.S. and the country's oldest federal cultural institution. Though it consists of only three buildings, it is the largest library in the world for shelf space and number of volumes. While open to the public for on-site research and as a tourist attraction, as the research institution of Congress, only members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and other specified government officials can check out books. The library is formally known as the "library of last resort" in the U.S., charged with making certain items available to other national libraries if all other means have been exhausted. The library's holdings are vast, including more than 32 million books, more than 61 million manuscripts, a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, one of only four perfect vellum copies of the Gutenberg Bible in the world, over one million newspapers from the last three centuries, over five million maps, six million pieces of sheet music, and more than 14 millions photos and prints.
Eng yaxshi kollejlarda ta'limga e'tibor qaratsak, biz kutubxonalarni yaxshi ko'ramiz. Kollej kutubxonalari, jamoat kutubxonalari, shaxsiy kutubxonalar - nima bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar va qaerda bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, biz ularni yaxshi ko'ramiz. "Ma'lum bir yoshdagi" bo'lmaganlar uchun kutubxona odatda Ye Olde Pre-Internet Times-ga tegishli bo'lgan tonnalab kitoblar va ma'lumotnomalarni o'z ichiga olgan sokin binodir. Biz endi g'isht va ohak kutubxonalariga unchalik ishonmasligimiz mumkin, lekin hatto raqamli davrda ham biz qiziqarli to'plamlarga ega o'nlab arxitektura qiziqarli kutubxonalar va kutubxonalarni, shuningdek, har ikki jihatdan ham qiziqarli bo'lgan ko'plab kutubxonalarni topishda qiynalmadik. Biz bir kunni ushbu kutubxonalardan birida o'tkazishni va o'qishni davom ettirishni va ziyoratgohga xos tebranishlardan bahramand bo'lishni xohlaymiz. Quyidagi 35 ta kutubxonani diqqat bilan ko‘rib chiqishga arziydi — rozi bo‘lasiz degan umiddamiz! Vashingtondagi Kongress kutubxonasi asosan AQShning milliy kutubxonasi va mamlakatning eng qadimgi federal madaniyat muassasasi hisoblanadi. U bor-yo'g'i uchta binodan iborat bo'lsa-da, javon maydoni va jildlar soni bo'yicha dunyodagi eng katta kutubxona hisoblanadi. Joylarda tadqiqot qilish uchun jamoatchilikka ochiq bo'lsa-da, Kongressning tadqiqot muassasasi sifatida, faqat Kongress a'zolari, Oliy sud sudyalari va boshqa ko'rsatilgan hukumat amaldorlari kitoblarni tekshirishlari mumkin. Kutubxona rasmiy ravishda AQShda "oxirgi chora kutubxonasi" sifatida tanilgan bo'lib, agar boshqa barcha vositalar tugagan bo'lsa, ba'zi narsalarni boshqa milliy kutubxonalarga taqdim etish vazifasi yuklangan. Kutubxona fondlari juda katta, jumladan 32 milliondan ortiq kitoblar, 61 milliondan ortiq qoʻlyozmalar, Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasining taxminiy loyihasi, Gutenberg Injilining dunyodagi toʻrtta mukammal nusxalaridan biri, soʻnggi yillarda chop etilgan bir milliondan ortiq gazetalar. uch asr, besh milliondan ortiq xaritalar, olti million parcha musiqa va 14 milliondan ortiq fotosuratlar va bosma nashrlar.
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With education as our focus here at The Best Colleges, we obviously love libraries. College libraries, public libraries, private libraries whatever and wherever they are, we love them all

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