• Internet and Humanity
  • 1. Better late than never-hechdan kora kech Charity begins at home- rahimdillik oiladan boshlanadi

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    English and Uzbek proverbs - Internet and humanity
    IMEYKA, Ёнгин хавфсизлиги асослари конун Н Курбаниязов, Fakulteti kafedrasi Ro’yxatga olindi №-fayllar.org, 1-Laboratoriya ishi , Eski tariflar, Демонтаж килиш далолатномаси АТС 226, стандартов SDI, The economy of enterprise

    1.Better late than never-hechdan kora kech
    2. Charity begins at home- Rahimdillik oiladan boshlanadi
    3.Do not pull all eggs in one basket- boringni biringga tiqma
    4. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst- yaxshiga umid bogla yomongga ozingni shayla
    5. Without reason no cat-mushuk tekingga oftobga chiqmaydi
    6. Easy come easy go- oson kegan oson ketadi
    7. There is no rose wirhout thorn- tikonsiz gul bolmaydi
    8. East, west home best-oz uying olan toshaging
    9. A friend in need is a friend indeed-dost kulfatta bilinadi
    10. Never judge books by its cover-tashqi korinishiga qarab baho berma
    11. Strike while iron is hot- issigida
    12. Roots of education are bitter, but fruit is sweet- o'qishning ildizi achchiq, mevasi shirin
    13. Two of a trade never agree-ikki qochqor kallasi bir qozonda qaynamas
    14. To make to bites of a cherry -bir mayizni qirqqa bolib ye
    15. Two dogs strive for a bone and third rans away it- olgan olganniki ot minganniki
    16. Action speaks lauder than words- ming marta eshitgandan bir marta korgan yaxshi
    17. Do not count the chicken before hatch- jojani ochib chiqishidan oldin sanamang
    18. All thar glitter is not gold- yorqin narsalarni hammasi oltin emas
    19. Laughter is the best medicine-kulgu eng yaxshu da'vo
    20. First impressions are the most lasting- birinchi taasurot kishi xotirasida uzoq saqlanadi

    Internet and Humanity

    In recent times internet and humanity connected to each other. Internet not only bring certain benefits to people, but also has harmful effects

    There are many advantages of using internet one of which is saving time. One difference between now and then is improvement. Before people's only source was books, they search information for a long time with pages through hundred books. When it comes to now, we have many website and sites for researching, we can find needed information even in a five seconds. As you can see without wasting times people can get it, the only reason for this is internet. Second benefits of internet is that it gives chances to study. Nowadays many people acquire knowledge with only social medias and websites. For example there are many online lessons on you tube and bunch of reliable information on websites, youngs do not have to spend money on courses, instead they can use this oppotunity which internet gives.
    Even though these benefits, internet has negetive sides on people, especially teenegers. Nowadays we are witnessing many harmful games are being created for children and juniors, they are killing youngs times and being barries to youngs success. What I mean that through playing games regularly, they may reluctant to reading books and learning, it leads to failures in the future. Secondly, it leads to wrong way, except for reliable information and sites, there are many misguided websited which has gang and sectarian groups participated. It can ruin individual's whole life.
    To sum up, as everthing has pros and cons, internet has benefits and harmful sides which I mentioned above

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    1. Better late than never-hechdan kora kech Charity begins at home- rahimdillik oiladan boshlanadi

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