• Choose the right answer.
  • Choose the right answer
  • Choose the correct definition to the given word “dedicated system”
  • Choose the correct definition to the given word “remote control”
  • Choose the correct definition to the given word “MCU”
  • Instant messaging

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    Name: Mahmudjonov Bobur group: ENG 004

    1 Find the word with the same meaning as : “Instant messaging”

    A Plug into
    B Chat
    C Put into
    D Disconnect
    2 Choose the right answer. Smartphone applications ____ .
    A are getting cheaper and cheaper
    B is getting the most cheap and the most cheap
    C is getting cheap and cheap
    D are getting cheap and expensive
    3 Choose the right answer.What kind of website Dropbox is?
    A social networking
    B blog
    C microblogging system
    D file sharing service
    4 Choose the right answer.What kind of website Facebook is?
    A microblogging system
    B social networking
    C blog
    D file sharing service
    5 Choose the right answer.What kind of website Twitter is?
    A blog
    B microblogging system
    C file sharing service
    D internet forum
    6 Choose the right answer:Our website ________more popular.
    A becoming
    B is becoming
    C is become
    D are becoming
    7 Choose the right answer:The number of bloggers is___________.
    A increasing
    B will increased
    C increase
    D let increasable
    8 Choose the right answer.This is _____ than I expected
    A hard
    B the hardest
    C more hard
    D harder
    9 Choose the right answer. Who is the _____ man in the world?
    A richer
    B richest
    C most richest
    D most rich
    10 Everything is _____ in my country.
    A cheapest
    B more cheap
    C most cheap
    D cheap
    11. Choose the correct definition to the given worddata compression’
    A a system that is used only for one purpose,e.g. for video conferencing only
    B A device that allows video conferencing systems more than two locations
    C is a worldwide navigational and surveying facility
    D a way to fit video or audio into a smaller space and use less bandwidth

    12. Choose the correct definition to the given worddedicated system”

    A face-to-face video conferencing
    B a system that is used only for one purpose,e.g. for video conferencing only
    C a device that can control the video conferencing system from a distance
    D a way to fit video or audio into a smaller space and use less bandwidth
    13. Choose the correct definition to the given wordremote control”
    A a device that can control the video conferencing system from a distance
    B a way to fit video or audio into a smaller space and use less bandwidth
    C a device that allows video conferencing systems to use more than two locations
    D a way to fit video or audio into a smaller space and not use less bandwidth
    14. Choose the correct definition to the given wordMCU”
    A a device that allows video conferencing systems to use only one location
    B a way to fit video or audio into a smaller space and use less bandwidth
    C a device that allows video conferencing systems to use more than two locations
    D a device that can control the video conferencing system from a distance
    15. Choose the right answer. What does the “MCU” mean?
    A Memory Control Update
    B Multipoint Control Unit
    C Main Control Unit
    D Multipoint Chip Unit
    16. Choose the Second conditional.If I _____ in a big house, I _____ a party.
    A lived / would have
    B am / am having
    C will live / have
    D would live / will have
    17. Choose the right answer.Thank you for the invitation. _____ I can’t come.
    A Upstairs
    B Unfortunately
    C Suddenly
    D Hardly
    18. Choose the Second conditional. If she _____ a lot of money, she _____ a lot of clothes.
    A had /would buy
    B would buy / has
    C wouldn’t bought / had
    D didn’t buy / would have

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