• Date;__November 23 rd Form__5a___ Subject : English Theme: I like ... . It’s fun Aims: Educational
  • Developing
  • Competence
  • Part of the lesson Tasks Time
  • Procedure of the lesson: I. Organizing moment
  • Activity 1 Listen and repeat.
  • IV. Main part Activity 2a Match the words and pictures. 5 min Objective: to present more school subjects
  • Activity 2b Listen and repeat. 5 min Objective: to practise pronunciation
  • B: I like history. What about you Activity 4 Copy and complete the table with or x . 10 min Objective: to practise expressing likes and dislikes
  • Activity 5 Report. 8 min Objective: to talk about likes and dislikes
  • 5-s qaraqalpaqstan respublikasi no`kis qalaliq xbbne qarasli

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    5-sinf 5. I like It\'s fun


    Unit 5. Lesson 1
    I like ... It’s fun
    Temasi boyinsha 1 saatliq


    Date;__November 23 rd
    Subject : English
    Theme: I like ... . It’s fun
    Educational:- to learn more words for school subjects;
    - to revise to say likes and dislikes;
    - to learn to say reasons for likes/dislikes.
    Developing: - to enable pupils to talk about their likes and dislikes;
    - to enable pupils to say reasons for likes/dislikes.
    Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of telling things about their likes and dislikes
    Up bringing: -to bring up pupils to be interested in subjects.
    Learning outcomes: By the end ofthe lessonpupils will beable to:
    - say if theylike/ do notlike subjects;
    - say reasonsfor their likes/dislikes.
    Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC
    Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work
    Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed
    Equipment of the lesson:Textbook “New Fly High5”, pictures, internet, computers, projector


    Part of the lesson





    -to greet pupils.
    - to check up the register

    5 min


    Repeating last lesson

    - to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson

    5 min


    Explaining new theme

    - to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme

    20 min


    Consolidating new theme.

    - to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

    10 min



    - To mark pupils

    5 min



    - Giving homework.

    Procedure of the lesson:
    I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.
    II. Asking homework:
    - Check for homework given on past lesson.
    - Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

    III. Pre-activity:
    Activity 1 Listen and repeat.Play the song. Ask the pupils to listen to and repeat the song. Ask which words theyrecognised.

    DVD script:

    I like English. (Tune of “London bridge”)
    I like English. Do you like…?
    Do you like…? Do you like…?
    I like English. Do you like…?
    Yes, I do!
    I like handicrafts. And you?
    Do you like handicrafts?
    I like handicrafts. And you?
    Yes, I do!

    I like history. And you?
    Do you like history?
    I like history. And you?
    Yes, I do!
    I like botany. And you?
    Do you like botany?
    I like botany. And you?
    Yes, I do!

    IV. Main part
    Activity 2a Match the words and pictures. 5 min
    Objective: to present more school subjects
    This is a usual matching activity, which can also be done in the DVD.
    Answer key: 1a; 2f; 3b; 4d; 5g; 6e; 7c
    1 handicrafts 2 botany 3 geography 4 literature
    5 playground 6 timetable 7 history

    Activity 2b Listen and repeat. 5 min
    Objective: to practise pronunciation
    Ask pupils to listen to the DVD and repeat in chorus. Then ask thepupils to repeat after the DVD and point to the corresponding picture.
    Activity 3 Chain Drill. 5 min
    Objective: to practise the new vocabulary with “I like …”
    Do this in the usual way.
    A: I like geography. What about you?
    B: I like history. What about you?
    Activity 4 Copy and complete the table with or x . 10 min
    Objective: to practise expressing likes and dislikes
    STEP 1: Ask the pupils to copy the table.
    STEP 2: Draw their attention to the symbol which means like/likes and
    which means don’t/doesn’t like. Then ask them to fill in the “You” column of
    the table with √ or x .
    STEP 3: The pupils work in pairs. Ask them to read the example first.
    Then they take turns to make similar sentences using the adjectives in the
    cloud and complete the “Your friend” column of the table with √ or x accordingly.

    Activity 5 Report. 8 min
    Objective: to talk about likes and dislikes
    The pupils use the completed table in Activity 4. Ask as many pairs as you
    can to report about their likes and dislikes.

    V. Post-activity
    Activity 6 Play “My favourite subject”. 5 min
    Objective: to give freer practice in speaking
    Ask one of your pupils to think of her/his favourite subject. The rest askher/him questions to guess. Play several rounds with the whole class. If timepermits, the pupils can continue playing in pairs.
    NB: If your class is strong, the pupils can play with other things like favouriteday of the week, month, song, game, colour etc.
    VI. Homework2 min
    Ask the pupils to look at the homework tasks. Check that everybodyunderstands what to do with the 3 tasks.

    VII. Evaluation.Giving marks

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