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    Evolution to Big Data Analytics Techniques
    Due to the increment of data volume have made the 
    well-known data mining algorithms unsuitable for such data siz-
    es. Therefore, many studies have currently been directed towards 
    improvements that data mining techniques can handle Big Data. 
    Big data analytic techniques are concerned with several data 
    mining functions, where the most important functions are: asso-
    ciation rules mining and classification tree analysis.
    In [12] paper, it analyzed the main data mining tasks 
    which can adopt big data analytics techniques and “V” dimen-
    sions of big data.
    Table 1 represents a summary of the analysis done for 
    the evolution of data mining tasks to big data analytics.

    JScholar Publishers
    J Comput Sci Software Dev 2022 | Vol 2: 303
    Now, we are in big data time, and there is a growing 
    demand for tools which can process and analyze it. Big data 
    analytics deals with extracting valuable information from that 
    massive data which can’t be handled by traditional data mining 
    tools. In this paper, we discuss big data mining, it characteris-
    tics, challenges and algorithms used to deal with big data mining 
    . Also provide some techniques of big data mining: 
    Hadoop framework and MapReduce framework. Big data min-
    ing can be in many different applications in enterprises, social 
    networks and mobile clouds. Finally, we discuss some of big data 
    analytics techniques and its evolution.
    Copyright Form
    The copyright format belongs to IEEE 2012.

    JScholar Publishers
    J Comput Sci Software Dev 2022 | Vol 2: 303
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    J Comput Sci Software Dev 2022 | Vol 2: 303
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    Evolution to Big Data Analytics Techniques

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