"Avtomobil transporti toʻgʻrisida"gi qonunning mohiyati

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Avtomobil transporti toʻgʻrisi (2)

Transport (havo, temiryoʻl va jamoat transportlari)da yuk va yoʻlovchi tashish xizmatlari koʻrsatishning turlarining soni yildan yilga oshib va mazmunan boyib bormoqda. Oʻz navbatida, bu mazkur xizmat foydalanuvchi fuqarolar – isteʼmolchilarning huquq va manfaatlarini samarali taʼminlash zaruratini ham yuzaga keltiradi. Binobarin, ortib borayotgan xizmat turlari va ulardan foydalanish boʻyicha isteʼmolchilarga zaruriy tushuntirish berish, transport xizmatlarini koʻrsatishda isteʼmolchilarga qulaylik va maqbullik yaratish hamda ularning huquqlarini kafolatlash muhim ahamiyatga ega.

It is known that today passenger, baggage and freight transportation services are provided to consumers by air, railway, car and public transport. In each type of transport, a separate regulatory legal document on the provision of transportation services applies, and the rights of consumers are defined differently in them. This situation is caused by the type of transport and its transport possibilities and types of transport (international, intercity, city, public transport). Therefore, in many cases, it is difficult for the consumer to understand what rights he has during transportation. Of course, some information about his rights and obligations may be specified on the road ticket (ticket) purchased by the consumer citizen or on the vehicle providing the transportation service. However, this situation does not cover all situations and aspects related to consumer rights and their implementation.
Masalan, yoʻlovchining chiptani almashtirishga boʻlgan huquqi, oʻziga yetkazilgan zararni talab qilish huquqi yoki transport vositasining sifatiga boʻlgan talabni bildirish huquqi kabilar chiptada belgilanmaydi yoki transport vositasida bu haqda xabar mavjud boʻlmaydi. Shu va shu kabi boshqa muhim ahamiyatga ega boʻlgan, transportda tashish xizmatlari sohasida isteʼmolchilarning huquq va majburiyatlari, mazkur huquqlarni amalga oshirish shartlari va tartibi borasidagi bilim va tasavvurlarini oshirish maqsadida turli amaliy qoʻllanmalar tayyorlash dolzarb. Ushbu amaliy qoʻllanma ham transport (havo, temiryoʻl va jamoat transportlari)da yuk va yoʻlovchi tashish xizmatlari koʻrsatish sohasida isteʼmolchilarning huquqlari doirasi, ularni amalga oshirish va himoya qilish borasidagi muayyan masalalarni qamrab oladi.
Amaliy qoʻllanma isteʼmolchilarning transportda tashish xizmatlarini koʻrsatishda isteʼmolchining qanday huquqlari mavjudligi transport turlaridan kelib chiqib savollar va javoblar tarzida yoritilgan. Shuningdek, qoʻllanmada muammoli vaziyatlarda isteʼmolchilarning huquqlarini amalga oshirish va himoya qilish yoʻllari aniq misollar yordamida ochib berilgan.
According to Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 221-I "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated April 26, 1996, a consumer is a person who purchases goods for personal consumption or other purposes, orders work, services, or is a citizen (natural person) with this intention.
For example, a citizen who has purchased a ticket, ticket or signed a contract for the shipment of goods in order to use the service offered by the relevant transport organization for his personal benefit is considered a consumer. If a citizen enters into a contract for the transportation of goods in a vehicle for the purpose of realizing a business purpose, such a citizen is not considered a consumer. For example, if a citizen of Surkhandarya signs a contract with Alfa-tashish company to deliver 30 tons of onions grown on his homestead to Tashkent, this citizen will not have the status of a consumer. In order for a citizen to have the status of a consumer, first of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose for which he enters into a legal relationship. In order to become a consumer, a citizen is required to order work or services or buy goods for the following purposes: 1) personal consumption not related to making a profit; 2) other purposes not related to profit extraction.
For personal consumption, we can refer to the fact that a citizen, as a passenger, buys a ticket from point A to point B, sends the cargo to the appropriate consignee, and concludes a contract for the delivery of the luggage to the appropriate address. For example, if Valiyev, a citizen of Gulistan, sends winter clothes to his son, who is studying in Moscow, by rail, he will be using transportation services for personal purposes that are not related to making a profit.
It assumes that it acts for other purposes not related to profit extraction, without providing direct business or other income method. For example, if a citizen Aliyev buys 250 computers and signs a transportation contract with "Sobirov company" motor transport company to transport them as a gift to the university he studied in, in this case Aliyev is considered a consumer. Because he ordered the transportation service for a purpose not related to making a profit.
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining 1999-yil 15-apreldagi 766-I-son “Temiryoʻl transporti toʻgʻrisida”gi Qonunida belgilanishicha:
yoʻlovchi – yoʻl hujjatlariga ega boʻlgan va poyezdda safar qiluvchi fuqaro (jismoniy shaxs);
bagaj – yoʻlovchi olib ketayotgan va safar davomida yoʻlovchilar vagonida uning yonida boʻladigan buyumlar, tovarlar va boshqa moddiy boyliklar;
yuk bagaji – yoʻlovchilar va pochta-bagaj poyezdlarida tashiladigan temiryoʻl tashish obyekti;
yuk joʻnatuvchi (joʻnatuvchi) – oʻz nomidan yoxud yuk yoki yuk bagaji egasi nomidan ish koʻruvchi va tashish hujjatlarida qayd etilgan yuridik yoki jismoniy shaxs;
yuk oluvchi (oluvchi) – yuk yoki yuk bagajini olish huquqiga ega boʻlgan yuridik yoki jismoniy shaxs;
yuk – tashish uchun temiryoʻl transporti korxonasi tomonidan belgilangan tartibda qabul qilingan, oʻz vaqtida yetkazib berilishi va saqlanishi uchun temiryoʻl javobgar boʻlgan temiryoʻl tashish obyekti (1-modda).
3. What are the main rights of the consumer in the provision of transportation services?
The scope of basic rights of the consumer is quite extensive. The General Assembly of the United Nations called "Guiding Principles for the Protection of Consumer Interests" (Resolution No. 39/248 of April 9, 1985) states the following basic rights of consumers:
Right to product security.
Right to information.
The right to choose goods.
The right to express one's interests.
The right to meet basic needs.
The right to compensation for damages.
Right to consumer education.
The right to a healthy environment.
Mazkur huquqlar hajmi va doirasidan kelib chiqib transportda tashish xizmatlari sohasida isteʼmolchilarning quyidagi asosiy huquqlarini sanab oʻtish mumkin:
1. Tashish xizmatlarining xavfsiz boʻlishini talab qilish huquqi.
2. Tashish xizmatlari yuzasidan maʼlumot olish huquqi.
3. Tashish xizmatlarini tanlash huquqi (transport vositasi, xizmatlar turi v. b.).
4. Tashish xizmatlarining sifatli amalga oshirilishini talab qilish huquqi.
5. Oʻziga yetkazilgan zararni qoplash huquqi.
Tegishli transport ustavi yoki kodeksida nazarda tutilgan tartibda:
– oʻzi bilan bolalarni bepul yoki boshqa imtiyozli shartlarda olib yurish;
– belgilangan miqdor doirasida oʻzi bilan bepul bagaj olib yurish;
– belgilangan miqdor doirasida bepul, miqdordan ortiqchasi uchun esa tarif boʻyicha haq toʻlab, tashish uchun bagaj topshirish huquqi.
Oʻq otadigan qurollar, toʻpponchalar va oʻq-dori vositalari – oʻq uzish mumkin boʻlgan yoki u orqali tan jarohati yetkazish mumkin boʻlgan har qanday narsa yoki shunga oʻxshash narsalar;

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"Avtomobil transporti toʻgʻrisida"gi qonunning mohiyati

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