• IP and Internet Addresses
  • Domain Names
  • A protocol is a set of rules that determine how things communicate with each other

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    • A protocol is a set of rules that determine how things communicate with each other
    • The software which manages Internet communication follows a suite of protocols called TCP/IP
    • The Internet Protocol (IP) determines the format of the information as it is transferred
    • The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) dictates how messages are reassembled and handles lost information

    IP and Internet Addresses

    • Each computer on the Internet has a unique IP address, such as:
    • Most computers also have a unique Internet name, which is also referred to as an Internet address:
      • renoir.villanova.edu
      • kant.breakaway.com
    • The first part indicates a particular computer (renoir)
    • The rest is the domain name, indicating the organization (villanova.edu)

    Domain Names

    • The last section (the suffix) of each domain name usually indicates the type of organization:
    • edu
    • com
    • org
    • net
    • - educational institution
    • - commercial business
    • - non-profit organization
    • - network-based organization
    • Sometimes the suffix
    • indicates the country:
    • New suffix categories
    • are being considered
    • uk
    • au
    • ca
    • se
    • - United Kingdom
    • - Australia
    • - Canada
    • - Sweden

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    A protocol is a set of rules that determine how things communicate with each other

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