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    1-03-04-2023, 1-topshiriq, Windows 10-da oson ishlash uchun klaviatura yorliqlari, 2-ON, Sample GCC, Aizirek Bekmurzaeva, Bekhzod Abdurakhimov, Pedagogik mahorat va kasb standartidan bugungi tus 240415 165113, 3000 слов которые составляют 90% всего Английского

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    The ‘TopFootballTransfers’ website is engaged in predicting the
    transfer value of football players.


    Here, ‘transfer value’ of the football player means the amount of
    compensation for break/determine the ongoing employment contract with
    the football player. Club ‘A’ breaks the existing contract with a
    player, and club ‘B’ pays compensation. After that, Club ‘B’ signs a
    contract with the player. Clubs pay other clubs a lot of money for
    resign players? They want this player to play for them, and do not
    want to wait until the end of his current contract. In addition, big
    clubs sign more powerful players, meanwhile other clubs earn on
    searching and improving the skills of new players.


    How to assess a footballer's transfer value?
    Skills and mastery of the
    Player with the better skills costs more.


    The player’s age.
    The younger player, the higher transfer value. The
    club pays compensation for the football player, to sign a new
    contract, and distributes transfer expenses on the new contract’s
    term. The less ‘possible’ term of a new contract, the less
    compensation clubs ready to pay. Also, young players can resign
    contract, and stay long enough in a club. Older players are often not
    at ‘the market’, and it complicate to return transfer expenses.
    Younger players have the potential to grow in skill and physical
    conditions. Older players more prone to injury and recurrence of old


    Contract’s Term. Expiry date of current contract’s term also depends
    on transfer value. If contract expires before the forthcoming transfer
    window, there is no transfer value. No reason to pay for a player, who
    during the next transfer window can be signed as free agent. If before
    expire of the contract there is only one transfer window (especially
    if it is a winter transfer window), transfer value will not high. More
    time remains before the end of the contract, higher transfer value of
    the player.The transfer value can be affected by other factors. For
    example, the transfer from the club of five top championships (Spain,
    England, Italy, Germany, France) is usually higher than the transfer
    of players from other championships. Transfer of players from
    non-European championships (except Brazil and Argentina) is often
    worth nothing. As example, Portuguese and Dutch clubs, signing free
    players from non-European championships (or from Northern and Eastern
    Europe) and sell them to big clubs. Big transfers committed between
    the top clubs.


    Other factor affecting to transfer value is the positive and negative
    media index/profile of the player. A footballer who does not get into
    incidents (especially criminal or sexual) is more reclaimed. On the
    contrary, players with negative media profile have a lower transfer
    value. Also influential agents (like Rayola and Mendes) can make clubs
    to shell out. Nobody wants to argue with an agent who has a lot of
    talented players in the wards, who in the future may need a club.
    Considering the above, do we have mathematical formula for calculating
    the player's transfer value? Nope. Prediction based on listed above
    factors, analyzing past transfers and monitoring trend of rising
    transfer market. Note that the transfer value indicated here does not
    consider the Chinese factor. Analyzing transfers of Chinese clubs,
    correlating them with the factors affecting the amount of these
    transfers, we could not find a connections. Just a few players want to
    go to play in China, so Chinese clubs are forced to overpay. In order
    to comply with Fair Play rules, some clubs resort to trickery, first
    they take a football player for rent, and at the end of the lease
    period they buy out the player. At the same time, the lease agreement,
    the transfer agreement and the labor contract are concluded
    simultaneously. Therefore, when taking into account the cost of the
    transfer, we add to the cost of the transfer the cost of rent paid for
    the player, if before the transfer he was rented from the club that
    carried out the transfer.


    In some cases, the clubs carry out future transfers, that is, they
    conclude contracts that this football player will be transferred to
    another club in the future. In this case, we already register the
    transfer in the section "Latest transfer" and transfer the player to
    the list of the club that carried out the transfer, although at that
    moment he can still play for the previous club. Another important
    feature of our site, the players are on the list of the club that owns
    their contract. They can compete for another club, but you can find
    them on the list of the football club that owns their contract. It
    should be noted that on our website the information (forecast) is
    posted only on top transfers, that is, about transfers amounting to
    more than 20 million euro. This is done because a large audience of
    football fans are interested in only major transfers and famous names.
    Little transfers between little-known clubs a few are interested.
    Also, it will be better for the site to work because our employees
    will monitor a limited number of players, which will promptly update
    the information.


    What is TopFootballTransfers.com for? To the fans was more clear information about the transfer costs of players. There are many sites that specialize in determining the value of players, but when making a transfer the amount indicated on these sites and the actual amount of the perfect site is highly divergent. This is because there is no concept of the market value of a player, a footballer is not a commodity. There is only the transfer value of the player, that is, the amount of compensation for breaking the contract. Also, you can not calculate the cost of the player for the coefficient of efficiency, mathematical formulas can not show the real picture, because in addition to the skill of the player there are many more factors that affect the transfer value. These factors can be more determinant than the skill level of the player. We rely more on consultations from football agents, as they are professionally engaged in transfers. Our policy allows us to more >accurately predict the transfer value of players.>

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