Digital technologies: problems and solutions of practical implementation in the industry

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  1. Salimbayevich O. I. et al. Internet of things architecture and security challenges //2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). – IEEE, 2020. – С. 1-4.

  2. Salimboyevich, Olimov Iskandar, and Karimov Abduqodir Abdusalomovich. "BUYUMLAR INTERNETINI ASOSIY TASHKIL ETUVCHILARI VA UNDA QO ‘LLANILADIGAN PROTOKOLLAR TAHLILI." International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research (2022): 15-19.

  3. S. M. Akmuratovich, O. I. Salimboyevich, K. A. Abdusalomovich, T. O. O. Ugli, Y. S. Botirboevna and T. U. Usmonjanovna, "A Creation Cryptographic Protocol for the Division of Mutual Authentication and Session Key," 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICISCT52966.2021.9670057.

  4. Salimboyevich, Olimov Iskandar, Korabayev Eldor Alijonovich, and Jafarov Muzaffar Muxtorjon o‘g‘li. "SIMSIZ SENSOR TARMOQGA BO ‘LADIGAN DOS HUJUMLAR TADQIQI." International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research (2022): 19-23.

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Digital technologies: problems and solutions of practical implementation in the industry

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