Use of the Internet for commercial purposes

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Use of the Internet for commercial purposes

The internet is now the beginning of the e-commerce era. If initially the Internet environment was a means of disseminating information, and the subsequent development of a number of programs that provide various types of network interaction, operating programs and systems - Internet navigators made it possible to most fully apply the capabilities of the new information environment, today the information concept of the Network is beginning to recede into second place. plan.

In the first place is the use of the Internet in the commercial activities of enterprises. One of the fundamental components of this process is trade, and trade not only in information products, as the closest to the characteristics of the Internet environment, but also in traditional goods.
The commercialization of the Internet space is a completely and natural everyday phenomenon. Today, all effective business decisions are made with the direct use of this resource. Even the smallest organization includes its representation in the virtual space. Online stores are becoming more and more popular, they are the most convenient form of interaction between buyers and sellers. Game on the stock exchange, business transactions and meetings - everything now takes place online. In turn, acquiring the status of "virtual", the business attracts to the Internet and advertising. To date, a significant part of the budget allocated for this item of expenditure is directed by most organizations to conduct campaigns specifically in the network. So, search promotion and contextual advertising have long been recognized as the most optimized, modern for consumer needs, tools for implementing trade offers.
Currently, modern enterprises can carry out their activities on the Internet. This business platform is now considered not only as a marketing tool in the company's communication policy, but also as a way to bring the company to new markets and form the company's marketing strategy on the network. At present, in the context of the economic crisis and the globalization of the economy, the issues of expanding the sales market and the need to reduce the cost of doing business have formed the relevance of the topic of e-commerce.

The modern list of Internet technologies implemented in the economic sphere opens up huge opportunities for firms to organize, maintain and support electronic business. The environment for e-commerce is the worldwide Internet, in which business projects are implemented.

Information technologies used in e-commerce are divided into the following types:
1. Electronic data interchange (data exchange within the company and with other business participants). The task of electronic document management is to move away from paper carriers and transfer documents to electronic form. This ensures high reliability and accuracy of the collection of this information, high speed of interaction between company employees, intermediaries, market participants, as well as unlimited access to the necessary documents. The following electronic document management systems can be cited as an example: 1C: Document Management, Globus Professional, etc.
2. Electronic commerce (online stores, trading platforms, auctions). The main reasons for trading via the Internet are the reduction of trading costs, the conduct of trading operations remotely, i.e. without the direct presence of stakeholders, better informing business partners and conducting promotions. The most famous examples of electronic commerce are,,,, systems.
3. Electronic marketing (Internet advertising, product demand analysis, market research). The advantages of this type of e-commerce include the effective provision of information to buyers, promotion of the product brand and obtaining accurate information about the processes of buying and selling and about the market as a whole. Thus, the use of electronic marketing allows you to attract a wider audience compared to conventional types of marketing. Examples are CRM systems (customer relationship management), as well as ORACLE CRM on Demand, qSRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live, etc.[13]
2. Information and analytical systems (systems for modeling, forecasting, collecting information, managing information processes, monitoring and analysis). The use of these systems is aimed at analyzing the activities of the enterprise, supporting business and automating the most complex business processes. One of the main tasks of the information-analytical system is the collection of information, its aggregation and distribution in various application areas, followed by analysis of the received data. As a result, conclusions are formed, which are further used by experts to conduct analytical studies. Examples of such systems are IAS "Control-NP", IAS "Situation-region", etc.
Consider the most common and popular technologies [5] used in the field of e-commerce. This grouping is generalized and includes technologies for various application areas: markup and programming languages for web pages, tools for developing and managing web content and applications for the Web, tools for integrating web content and applications on the Web [2].
The first group of Web technologies are markup languages [8]. In computer terminology, a markup language (text) is a set of characters or sequences inserted into text to convey information about its output or structure. A text document written using a markup language contains not only the text itself, but also additional information about its various sections (for example, an indication of headings, highlights, lists, etc.). In more complex cases, the markup language allows you to insert interactive elements and the content of other documents into the document [3]. Markup languages are used wherever formatted text output is required. For example, for designing websites, portals and auctions, i.e. funds for intermediary, advertising, information and trade areas of e-commerce
The second group of Web technologies includes web programming languages, which are mainly designed to work with Internet technologies. They differ from markup languages primarily in that they can also be used to describe the logic (behavior) of an application. Web programming languages are actively used in e-commerce, namely, for the development of real-time information and analytical systems (Fig. 3), interactive systems that involve constant interaction with users (search engines), systems for forecasting, modeling and calculating economic indicators [ 8].
The third group includes tools for developing and managing web content and applications for the Web. Such tools are web content management systems (Web content management system, WCMS or Web CMS) - software of the class of content management systems, usually implemented as a web application, and designed to create and manage HTML content [7]. WCMS is commonly used to manage and control large, dynamically changing collections of web material - HTML documents and associated images [9]. Such a system simplifies the process of creating, managing, editing content and solves many other important tasks related to supporting these processes. These systems use technologies such as PHP, Python, Perl, XForms, SOAP, etc. WCMS can also be integrated with markup languages, for example, with XML through the ebXML (electronic buisiness XML) extension - XML for electronic business. The main purpose of a web content management system is to provide an open XML infrastructure that enables the secure global use of e-business information.
In connection with the functioning of a huge number of applications created on the basis of various technologies in modern business systems, the task arises of combining these applications and providing the user with all types of information and services. The task of web integration is to combine heterogeneous web applications and systems into a single environment based on the Internet, as well as to ensure the protection of the information provided.
The use of information technology in the field of e-commerce makes it possible to conduct business more efficiently, i.e. reduce production costs, carry out effective market research, automate the processes of buying and selling and informing customers, conduct market analysis, model and predict business processes, manage personnel and choose better business strategies.

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Use of the Internet for commercial purposes

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