bet | 19/48 | Sana | 02.01.2024 | Hajmi | 327 Kb. | | #129611 |
Standard parameters and equivalent circuits of power system Components: synchronous machines, overhead lines, underground cables, transformers and loads. Purpose and characteristics of transformers. Switch-gear; Circuit breakers; Isolators; insulators; bushing. Generalised circuit constants. Power transmission: single phase and three phase transmission, complex power, load characteristics, per unit system. Constants of transmission lines: resistance, inductance and capacitance of single and three phase lines. Performance of transmission lines: short, medium and long lines. Symmetrical components and fault calculations: Three phase system; Significance of positive, negative and zero-sequence components; sequence impedance network equations. Phase shift. Delta-star transformations. Reactors, short-circuit capacity of a bus. Unsymmetrical fault calculation: single line to ground: double lines to ground: Line to line. Faults in power systems. Effects of neutral grounding of faults on three-phase system. Effects of neutral impedances on fault currents. Zero sequence diagram. Faults with broken conductors. Unbalanced operation of three-phase transformer.
Classifications of signals and systems: Signals: Analogue and Digital, Continuous time and discrete-time, Periodic and Aperiodic, Even and Odd signals, random and deterministic, Energy and Power signals: Signals and vectors: Unit Step, Unit Ramp and Unit Impulse signals: Systems: Linearity, time in- variance, causality, invertibility: Time domain representations of signals and systems: Convolution integral for continuous time signals: Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series and Transforms, Inverse Fourier transform and properties, Fourier transform of common signals, Properties of Fourier Series and Transforms, Parsevals Theorem, Power spectral density and energy: Spectral density: Laplace Transform: Laplace transform (including region of convergence), Laplace transform of common signals, inverse Laplace transform (including partial-fraction expansion), and properties, Poles and zeros in the s-plane, Solving differential equations with non-zero initial conditions via Laplace transform: Fundamentals of Sampling: Conversion of continuous-time signals to discrete-time signals by sampling, sampling theorem, Shannon/Nyquist sampling rate and ideal reconstruction, Effects of under sampling: Random Signals and Noise: Random signals and their characterization. Random processes; normal, uniform, binomial: Stationarity and ergodicity: The auto-correlation function, Power spectral density of random processes: Modulation: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation
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