bet | 15/48 | Sana | 02.01.2024 | Hajmi | 327 Kb. | | #129611 |
Transistor Small Signal Models: Two-port representation of a transistor; h-parameters and their determination: Analysis of transistor amplifiers using h-parameters; Calculation of voltage gain, current gain, power gain input and output impedance, using exact and approximate h-parameter models; The z and y parameter models: The y-parameter equivalent circuits of a JFET: Small signal analysis of FET amplifiers Feedback in Transistor Amplifiers feedback in amplifiers effects of negative feedback; positive feedback and oscillations; Hartley and Colpitts oscillators: Frequency Response of Amplifiers Frequency response of RC coupled amplifiers; Low frequency effects of Coupling and Bypass capacitors; Amplifier at high frequencies; Miller capacitance; The Ideal Operational Amplifier: The ideal operational amplifier (op amp) characteristics, addition, subtraction, differentiation, and integration using op amps: Power Amplifiers: Circuit Simulation: Simulation of Transistor amplifiers using computer-aided design (CAD) tools such as PSPICE.
PID controllers: P, PI, PD and PID controllers: characteristics and their application: Electronic realizations of PID controllers. Ziegler-Nichols rules for tuning PID controllers: IntegratorWindup: Analysis and design of PID control systems using a computer aided control engineering tools such as MATLABs Control Systems Toolbox and SIMULINK. Compensation In The Frequency Domain: Lag and lead compensation in the frequency domain: Frequency response design and analysis using a computer-aided control engineering tool such as MATLABs Control Systems Toolbox. State Space representation: State-space models of Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) SISO: Systems and terminology: Obtaining state-space representation from transfer functions; control canonical form, observer canonical form, diagonal/Jordan canonical form: Obtaining transfer-functions from state-space representations. Properties of state-space models: Eigenvalues, Zeros, Non-uniqueness of state-space models, Invariance of eigenvalues under similarity transformation: Solution to the state equation: Solution to the homogeneous and non-homogeneous state equations, Computation of the matrix exponential, the State transition matrix and its properties: Controllability and Observability: Concepts of controllability and observability: Numerical tests of controllability and observability by Kalman: Controllability and observability tests by Gilbert: Structural Controllability: Reachability: State variable feedback: (design by pole placement): Pole placement design methods when the system has no external inputs.
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