bet | 12/48 | Sana | 02.01.2024 | Hajmi | 327 Kb. | | #129611 |
Introduction to semi-conductors and diodes: Characteristics of the p-n junction, p-n junction diodes: Application of diodes in rectification: Zener diodes characteristics, Zener diode voltage regulators: Bipolar junction transistors: NPN and PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) characteristics and biasing: Equivalent circuits of Bipolar Junction Transistors: Ebers Moll model of a BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor amplifiers (Common Base; Common Emitter; Common Collector): Field Effect Transistors: Junction Field Effect Transistors and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors: Biasing and equivalent circuits of Field Effect Transistors: Field Effect Transistors amplifiers: Common Gate, Common Source Common Drain: Biasing and Bias Stability: DC and AC load lines Operating Point - Q point variation - Various biasing methods to stabilize the operating point stability factor; Compensation Techniques; Bias stability in FET circuits; Biasing MOSFETs: Transistor Small Signal Models: Two-port representation of a transistor; h-parameters and their determination: Analysis of transistor amplifiers using h-parameters; Calculation of voltage gain, current gain, power gain, input and output impedance using exact and approximate h- parameter models; The z and y parameter models: The y-parameter equivalent circuits of a JFET: Small signal analysis of FET amplifiers.
Introduction to linear control systems: Basic concepts open and closed- loop systems, examples of simple systems: Classification of systems; linear/nonlinear; continuous time/discrete-time; time variant/time invariant; SISO/MIMO: Order and Type of systems: Feedback Control Systems: Closed- loop systems, positive feedback and negative feedback, effects of feedback on system response, advantages and disadvantages of feedback: Mathematical modelling of control systems: Representation using differential equations: The transfer function, poles, zeros and impulse response: Block diagrams, signal flow graphs and Masons Rule: Transient and steady-state response: Transient and steady-state response of systems with emphasis on first-order and second-order systems: Time domain specifications of second order systems delay time, rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot, settling time: Steady-state error analysis: Computer-aided simulation of system response to standard test inputs; impulse, step and ramp: Stability: Stable and unstable systems, characteristic equation, and location of the roots in the s-plane for stability. Rouths stability criterion: Root Locus method: Root loci, plotting of root loci: Interpretation of the root-locus: System design using root loci: Computer-aided plotting of root loci: Frequency response: Bode plots, gain and phase margin: Nyquist plots, stability, gain and phase margin: Nichols charts: Computer-aided plotting of Bode and Nyquist plots: Control System Modelling, Simulation and analysis using computer-aided control engineering software such as MATLABs Control, Systems Toolbox and SIMULINK, and Case Studies.
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