Free access
An access point owner, the service provider, provides free access to the Internet, typically as part of another service. So a hotel might offer Wi-Fi coverage to encourage its guests to return, or a coffee bar might offer Wi-Fi coverage to encourage its customers to stay longer and eat and drink more, and generally improve its popularity.
In these cases the cost of billing, and dealing with dissatisfied customers, and the potential for customers to be dissatisfied in the first place, is a very strong incentive for offering free service. Thus free Wi-Fi service equates to satisfied customers, who will, one way and another, then pay more for a business’s principal services.
This model might apply to a single location, or to a number of locations. Note that the free service might be provided by the business owner’s own assets, or by assets supplied by another party.
An example from the UK is the provision by The Cloud of Wi-Fi access using access points attached to ADSL lines already provided for downloading games to games machines situated in pubs or other entertainment venues6.