Exam practice: Listening - m ultiple choice i Exam tip: Make sure you check th a t the answ er you choose m atches the meaning of
j w hat you hear not ju s t the words you hear.
\ QUESTIONS 1 -4 17 Answer the questions below. Choose the correct le tte r A, B o r C. 1 According to Kirsty, the students should
A approach th e ir project from the perspective suggested by Dr. Jones.
B make the project less general than Dr. Jones suggested.
C expand the project and make it more general.
2 How scientific was the voting system fo r the New Seven Wonders of the W orld?
A It was more scientific than a talent show because people voted m u ltip le tim es .
B Due to the m u ltip le voting system it was not as scientific as voting on the Internet.
C It was much less scientific than the voting system s w hich are used in politics.
3 What do the students w ant to show in th e ir project?
A why some countries rely more heavily on tou rism
B that the type of people who vote affects the voting outcome
C the advantages of the com petition to find the New Seven W onders of the W orld
4 Why does Greg th in k the project w ill be good?
A Because the students w ill have done a lot of reading.
B Because Dr. Jones is expecting the students to produce a b e tte r project than the last one.
C Because the project w ill be diffe re nt from those of th e ir classm ates.
People and places 49
12 Crime
Using m o d a ls fo r o b lig a tio n and a b ility
Modal verbs can be used fo r present and futu re obligation and ability in the follow ing ways:
Can is used:
to express ability
I can drive a car.