Table 5
Summary of Benefits as Reported by Participants
BenefitBog'liq диссер англTable 5
Summary of Benefits as Reported by Participants
Face to
Online HyFlex
(M, I, D)
Flexibility in general
M, I, D
Flexible mode of attendance and
participation (choosing one learning
path or another and sticking with that
for the duration of the course)
M, I, D
M, I,
Accessibility and UDL
M, I, D
Ability to mix and match synchronous
with asynchronous participation as
needed (switching between paths on
a weekly basis)
M, I, D
Ability to self-pace
M, I, D
Ability to respond asynchronously to
conversation prompts
Ability to complete coursework 100%
Some untrained instructors simply
move their face-to-face course into
the online path of HyFlex resulting in
jarring experiences for students
Promotes agentic choices and behavior
on the part of students
M, I, D
Note. The right column indicates which group of participants reported the benefit. Key: Student
moms = M, Indigenous students = I, Students with disabilities = D. A double check mark ( )
means participants expressed that as a specific feature of their HyFlex experience. A single
check mark () means they acknowledged this is also a feature in other modes. No check mark
means that mode was not mentioned or acknowledged even if the comment applies.
Table 6
Summary of Challenges (or Unmet Needs) as Reported by Participants
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