19 Wildlife
Exercise 1
1 The anim al Liberation League, w hose opinion was
criticized by senior politicians* failed... (
2 Wildlife in Mexico, which has flourished for
m a n y y e a r s j s now.... (
3 which
OR that (
U Dian Fossev. who died in 1985, helped.
5 London, where a third of the city is actually
open s p a c e j s home... (
6 which
OR that (
7 which
OR that
Evolution, which is the generally accepted theory
of how life on earth developed* is... [non-defining]
Sentence 7 can have the relative pronoun omitted.
Exercise 2
1 that keep anim als in sm all cages
2 that give the anim als space to move
and look after them well
3 that have no law s to protect their anim als
U which have
been destroyed by industries
5 , which are one of the most
endangered rainforest species,
6 , when the main
purpose is enjoyment,
7 which don't have sho ps to buy food