B10.7.5 Tape Drives - FAQs
See B10.1.5.
B10.7.R Tape Drives - Future Requirements
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B10.7.5 Tape Drives - FAQs
See B10.1.5.
B10.7.R Tape Drives - Future Requirements
See B10.1.R.
B10.8 Media Changer Devices
All general requirements in B1.0 are included by reference.
All bus-specific requirements in B2.0 are included by reference.
All general storage requirements in B10.1 are included by reference.
B10.8.1 Media Changer Devices - Windows Compatibility
See B10.1.1.
B10.8.2 Media Changer Devices - Industry Standards
See B10.1.2.
B10.8.3 Media Changer Devices - Quality B10.8.3.1 - See B10.8.3.2 B10.8.3.2 Pass Windows Logo Program testing - See B1.3; B10.1.4.7.
See “Media Changer Device” in the HCT documentation.
B10.8.3.3 DELETED B10.8.4 Media Changer Devices - Windows Experience B10.8.4.1 If CD or DVD changer device supports 7 discs or less, comply with MMC-2
If an ATAPI-compatible CD changer is present that has a capacity for seven or fewer discs, the device must comply with MMC-2 standard. This includes changers that support the following drive/media types:
3.5-inch, 5.25-inch, and 12-inch magneto-optical or phase-change drives and media
It does not include changers that support CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD drive/media types.
B10.8.4.2 SCSI tape changer and drive support auto-configuration
To meet requirements for auto-configuration of changers and their associated drives, the following changer requirements and configuration restrictions are defined:
For changers where autoconfiguration under RSM control is a targeted feature, all changer tape or optical disk drives must be connected to the same SCSI bus as the changer.
Changer systems that are not configured this way will not be autoconfigurable under RSM in Windows and must provide documentation that describes the appropriate manual configuration process for use with RSM. Examples of proper documentation are available in Appendix A of Windows NT Removable Storage Manager Programming Documentation, at http://www.highground.com/developer/documents/ntmsdocu.htm.
The Removable Storage Manager functions are documented in the Microsoft Platform SDK at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/zaw/ntms_api_5nz9.htm.
If drive cleaning is required and can be automated, a specific slot that is accessible by way of a Move Medium command must be designated in the Operator’s Guide.
The changer must be able to report if a bar-code reader is installed in the unit.
The changer must be able to report on the current of (magazine) slots and drives by using the Read Element Status command.
B10.8.4.3 SCSI tape and optical disk changer support auto-configuration
The following commands or features must be supported by the changer:
Initialize Element Status (with/without bar-code reading)
Mode Sense—Pages 1D, 1E, 1F
Move Medium
Prevent/Allow Media Removal (door access and IEPORT locking)
Read Element Status
Send Volume Tag, Request Volume Element Address
Test Unit Ready, Request Sense, Inquiry
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