B1.3 General Device/Driver - Quality
WHQL Test Specification References:
Chapter 1, Introduction to HCT Test Specifications
Chapter 3: ACPI Test Specification
Chapter 22: Driver Quality Test Specification
Plus technology-specific test specifications
B1.3.1 Hardware and its drivers pass Windows Logo Program testing
All hardware and associated drivers must be submitted to the appropriate WHQL test program and passes all testing for the Windows Logo Program for hardware:
Pass tests in Windows HCT, as described in detail in the WHQL Test Specification and the related Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Test Kit documentation.
If a system with the in the box drivers loaded is capable of passing the HCT system-level tests, then OEMs can use the in the box driver and not re-submit the driver for digital signature.
As provided in the in Windows HCT
Tested via INFCatReady.exe
See "Creating an INF File" in the Windows DDK.
INFCatready (InfCatR.exe) is included in the Windows HCT.
B1.3.4 Vendor-supplied drivers have digital signatures
Requirements for digital signatures are defined at http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/driver/digitsign.asp
WHQL guidelines and processes for digital signatures are defined at http://www.microsoft.com/hwdq/hwtest/userguide/default.asp?chapter=4