• Make sure your topic meets the assignment requirements.
  • Consider the scope of your topic.
  • Knowing more about your topics background can only help you develop a more effective topic, and therefore, research paper. Brainstorm concepts.
  • Practical Exercises to Extend Your Learning

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    Practical Exercises to Extend Your Learning

    Identify three narrower aspects of the following broad topics. In other words, what are three areas you could investigate that fit into these very broad topics?



    Identify a broader topic that would cover the following narrow topics. In other words, how could you expand these topics to find more information?
    Menus in Michigan prisons
    Urban planning in Flint

    Imagine that you have been assigned the following topics. Think of 5 keywords you might use to look for information on each.

    How does air quality affect our health?
    What are the barriers to peace in the Middle East?
    Should snowmobiling be allowed in wilderness areas?
    How can welfare reform help poor children?
    How do you decide what to write about when confronted with a research paper? You want a focused topic!

    Here are some things to consider:

    • Make sure your topic meets the assignment requirements. Ask your professor for feedback if you are unsure.

    • Choose a topic that is interesting to you. It may seem obvious, but this will make the research process more fun and engaging for you.

    • Consider the scope of your topic. If your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information that is focused and relevant; if your topic is too narrow it may be hard to find any information at all.

    Here's one strategy for developing a research topic once you have a broad topic in mind:

    • Background research will help you develop your topic and hone or change it in more appropriate ways. Knowing more about your topic's background can only help you develop a more effective topic, and therefore, research paper.

    • Brainstorm concepts. Once you think of a broad topic that interests you, try to brainstorm all of the words or concepts you can that might be related to that topic (and write them down!). For example, if your topic is "polar bears," you might think of the following words and topics in association: ice, cubs, pollution, hunting, diet, climate change, and environmental icon.

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    Practical Exercises to Extend Your Learning

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