• Have a back-up plan
  • Consult with the professionals
  • I. Ilmiy tadqiqot ishining nomi va mavzusini shakllantirish Maqola – bu mustaqil ilmiy tadqiqot bo’lib, u dolzarb ilmiy muammo bo’yicha o’z fikrlarini bayon qilishdir mavzusini tanlashda «nazariyasi»

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    I. Ilmiy tadqiqot ishining nomi va mavzusini shakllantirish Maqo-fayllar.org

    Don't choose a popular topic

    On the one hand, if you select the popular subject for the research, there will be a lot of material and sources to work with. However, on the other hand, there is a significant chance that somebody has already conducted similar research. As a result, you will not bring something new to the conclusions, and your research might be lost among the hundreds of similar studies. Your goal is to provide unique findings rather than just to prove your theory or hypothesis.

    Even if you choose the topic which is related to a broad concept, make sure that you are going to explore it from a specific angle with the original approach. Your research should touch upon the topics which might be very subtle, and yet significant for the areas of study. For instance, instead of exploring the impact of video games on behavior of a child, try to dive deeper into studying how it contributes to the development of cognitive abilities.

    Have a back-up plan

    Be ready that once you have started working on one topic, you might discover that it has been studied by other scholars. Moreover, the hypothesis of similar research could be the same as yours. Stay flexible and try to have more than one idea regarding the specifics of your topic. Nevertheless, you can also work on expanding the topic. Just try to provide the additional details and apply other methods to provide the conclusions which were missing in the previous studies.

    The best strategy is to outline several options for the topic which would be related to the core issues of research. Although it could be difficult to design the research methods for the multiple topics, make the list of the themes that you want to mention in your study. Subsequently, you could easily switch the emphasis into another direction while already working on a paper.

    Consult with the professionals

    If you cannot decide what area to choose or what direction to follow, you can ask the scholars in the particular discipline about what research question needs further studies. In addition, you will get the information and relevant references to the topic of your potential research paper. The assistance of the experienced researchers could also inspire you to find the area in the scientific study, which has never been explored.

    Besides, you can consider a professional service to assist you in research paper writing, not only with the topic for the study but also with the proper formatting. The writing professionals are more aware of how to find credible sources and apply correct citations to them. Hence, you will be more concerned with collecting data and the research itself.

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    Bosh sahifa

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    I. Ilmiy tadqiqot ishining nomi va mavzusini shakllantirish Maqola – bu mustaqil ilmiy tadqiqot bo’lib, u dolzarb ilmiy muammo bo’yicha o’z fikrlarini bayon qilishdir mavzusini tanlashda «nazariyasi»

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