• Computer/Laptops
  • Rules for responsible internet use: Staff, students and volunteers
  • Mobile Phones
  • Social Networking Sites
  • Please Note: at this point Scotter Pre-School/OOS does not allow internet use by the children.
  • Internet use policy

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    ICT Policy

    Scotter Pre-School/OOSC provides the use of digital cameras, computers for children and internet facilities for practitioners. The digital cameras allow practitioners and children to record activities and child achievements setting. The computers and internet provide opportunities to enhance education by helping with activities, providing information and for the planning of activities.

    • Consent for photographs is obtained from Parent/carer on admission as part of the registration process

    • Children should use the child friendly digital camera.

    • Staff must only use the setting’s own digital camera’s to take any photographs.

    • Staff may not use any other digital device to take photographs in the setting.

    • Cameras are prohibited within the toilet/nappy area.


    The computer system is owned by Scotter Preschool/OOSC and has appropriate software to ensure safe internet use.

    Scotter Pre School reserves the right to examine or delete any files that may be held on it’s system or to monitor any internet sites visited.

    • Activity that is found to be unsuitable to that attacks or corrupts other systems is forbidden

    • Users are responsible for all e-mail sent and for contacts made that may result in e-mails being received

    • Use for gambling is forbidden

    • Copyright of materials must be respected

    • Use of the system to access inappropriate materials such as pornographic, racist or offensive material is forbidden.

    Rules for responsible internet use: Staff, students and volunteers

    • All internet activity should be deemed appropriate.

    • Other user’s files will not be accessed without their permission

    • Computers will be used only for agreed reasons.

    • Memory sticks will not be used without prior permission from the manager.

    • Permission will be requested before using the internet.

    • E-mail correspondence will be directed only to people who have been approved and messages sent will be polite and reasonable.

    • Social networking sites will not be accessed from Pre-school/OOS equipment and staff should refrain from writing about any aspect of Scotter Pre-school/OOSC or its families.

    Mobile Phones:

    • Staff may not carry or use their personal mobile phones whilst working in the setting.

    • Setting telephone number should be given out to be used as an emergency contact staff.

    • Staff are allowed to use their mobile phones during breaks but they must be taken upstairs into the small kitchen area, away from the children.

    Social Networking Sites:

    • Staff should at no times post anything regarding children, their parents/families or other staff at the setting.

    • No photographs from the setting may be used, or ones which identify the setting or children from the setting.

    • No photographs of other members of staff to be used without their consent.

    • Anyone posting remarks which breach confidentiality or are deemed to be of a detrimental nature to the setting or other employees may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

    • All staff must maintain professionalism whilst using Social networking sites.

    • Any employees, who become aware of social networking activity that would be deemed distasteful or not appropriate should make their manager aware.

    • For more information please refer to Social Networking Policy.


    • The setting will work with the parents to ensure they are aware of internet use.

    • All internet activity should be deemed appropriate.

    • E-mail correspondence will be directed only to people who have been approved.

    • Personal details will not be shared over the internet.

    • Arrangements to meet others will not be made via the internet unless a parent, carer or practitioner has given permission.

    • Any unpleasant materials sent to the computer must be reported to the manager.

    • The correct height chairs will be used for all computer use.

    • Children’s time usage will be monitored by practitioners.

    Please Note: at this point Scotter Pre-School/OOS does not allow internet use by the children.

    All staff, volunteers and committee members must adhere to the above: breech of these could result in disciplinary procedure.

    This policy has been approved and adopted by Scotter Preschool/OOSC.

    Date written:…………………………….Date to be reviewed:………………………………

    Committee Officer:…………………………………………............ Date:………………………


    Preschool Manager:………………………………………… Date:………………………
    OOSC Supervisor:…………………………………………... Date:…………………………

    ICT Page

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