• Submitted by: Meyliyev A. Checked by: Elmatov Sh. INDEPENDENT WORK 3 RELATIVE PRONUNS (Nisbiy olmoshlar)
  • Nisbiy olmoshlar.
  • ELECTRONIC MAIL Electronic mail
  • Electronic mail
  • Independent work submitted by: Meyliyev A. Checked by: Elmatov Sh. Independent work relative pronuns

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    1017816, elektronika (l)№3, 4-MUSTAQIL ISH, Akademik. Adxam., KT. Mustaqil ish mavzulari (3-4), Dp28g4PQNpBi9JnoRuISGA, Eshpolotov O Mu.Ish 1, A.Murodjon Algoritmlar loyhasi, Murodjon Abdurashidov Signallar va tizimlar, 8-sinf-ona-tili-205 (2)

    Meyliyev Adham, a student of group
    AKT-11-22 of the Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, wrote an independent work on Foreign language


    Submitted by: Meyliyev A.
    Checked by: Elmatov Sh.

    (Nisbiy olmoshlar)
    Ingliz tilida beshta nisbiy olmosh mavjud: who, who, whose, which, that. Vaziyatga qarab, ular ulanish funktsiyasini ham bajaradilar.Ularning ikkalasi ham ergash gaplarni ochadi. Faqat nisbat olmoshlari atributiv tobe bo`laklarni, bog`lovchilar esa qo`shimcha, predmet va predikatni ochadi.
    Nisbiy olmoshlar.Bu olmoshlar murakkab gaplarda qo‘llanib, ergash gaplarga mansub.Ularning aksariyati so‘roq olmoshlariga ham tegishli.Birlashmalardan farqli o'laroq, ular ergash gapda (odatda mavzu) gap a'zosi vazifasini bajaradi. Asosiy nisbiy olmoshlarni ko'rib chiqing:JSSV- kim, kim. Jonlantirilgan predmetli gaplarda – odamlar qo‘llanadi: I see the gardener who planted this tree. - Men bu daraxtni ekgan bog'bonni ko'rdim.
    The relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that ) tell us more about nouns (a specific person or thing) and introduce relative clauses.
    Aniqlovchi ergash gaplarni bosh gaplar bilan bog'lash uchun who, which, whose va that nisbiy olmoshlari ishlatiladi. Ular bizga otlar haqida ko'piroq ma'lumot beradi (aniq odam yoki aniq narsa)
    The boy who is wearing the red T-shirt is my brother. (which boy?)
    Qizil futbolka kiygan bola mening akam. (qaysi bola?
    The bag which is on the desk is Mary's. (which bag?) -Stol ustidagi sumka Maryniki. (qaysi sumka?)
    That's the man whose wife is a doctor.-Bu odamning xotini shifokor.
    Who/which/that cannot be omitted when they are the subject of the relative clause, that is when there isn't a noun or a subject pronoun between them and the verb.
    Who/which/that Ergash gapda ega bo'lib keladigan nisbiy olmoshlar tushib qolmaydi.
    I saw a film. It was really exciting.- Men film ko`rdim. Bu haqiqatdan ham hayajonli edi.
    I saw a film which/that was really exciting.- Men juda hayajonli film ko`rdim.
    Who/which/that can be omitted when they are the object of the relative clause, that is when there is a noun or a subject pronoun between them and the verb.
    Who/which/that aniqlovchi ergash gaplarda to'ldiruchi bo'lib keganda nisbiy olmosh odatda tushib qoladi.
    That's the man. Ann met him last week - Bu odam . Enn u bilan o`tgan hafta uchrashdi.
    That's the man (who/that) Ann met last week - Bu – Enn o`tgan hafta uchrashgan odam
    Electronic mail (e-mail) is a set of software and technical tools that ensure the sending, receiving and storage of information from one user's electronic box to another through a data transmission network. E-mail provides fast transfer of information from one point of the network to another. In E-Mail, information is transmitted to any corner of the world by means of various electronic information systems through special gateways. E-Mail can be used continuously or for certain times (sessions). E-Mail began in the 1960s with the use of "multi-user mode" software on "large" computers. In 1989, commercial postal services were first connected to the Internet.
    In 1990-91, the E-Mail service was distributed by data transmission network operators in the territory of Uzbekistan. In 1997, an E-Mail service point was launched at the Tashkent Post Office through the "Ke1sot" network. Now in Uzbekistan, citizens, enterprises, households use e-mail through computers connected to the Internet and "Internet cafes". E-mail and hybrid mail (e-mail and traditional postal resources are used in the process of receiving, processing and delivering mail) services are being launched through the "Uzbekistan Post" joint-stock network for customers who do not have access to the Internet. Information , messages received from enterprises, organizations and educational institutions through hybrid mail ,invitations , invitations, etc. will be delivered to the recipients' addresses by postal workers.
    Electronic mail ( English : E-mail or email , short for electronic mail ) is one of the methods of information transmission in computer networks . In the FidoNet network, the analogue of e-mail is called Netmail .
    One of the main characteristics of e-mail is that it does not send mail directly to the recipient, but through an intermediate link. The name of this intermediate link is a mailbox, which is a place on the server where messages are usually stored and is usually only accessible with a password.
    Mail servers can be accessed through mail programs or through a web interface.
    Step-by-step path to receiving an email from the sender (without a relay server):
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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Independent work submitted by: Meyliyev A. Checked by: Elmatov Sh. Independent work relative pronuns

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