«Использование инновационно-креативных технологий в обучении, практические основы применения нейролингвистического програмирования»

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“Ta’limda innovativ-kreativ texnologiyalarning qo’llanilishi, neyrolingvistik dasturlashning 
amaliy asoslari” mavzusidagi xalqaro konferentsiya 2021-yil, 27-dekabr

Bozorova Laylo 
Kogon tuman 16-maktab ingliz tili fani o`qituvchsi 
The learners should have inner motivation which involves them 
into active work or active participation at the lesson. In interactive method 
teacher’s role is to direct learners activity to getting the aim of the lesson which 
include interactive exercises and tasks. Below some types of interactive methods 
are given: Brainstorming. It is technique for generating new ideas on a topic. These 
methods stimulate creative activity of the learners in solving problems and express 
their ideas freckly.
Teaching process is mainly based on two activities. They are imparting 
knowledge and acquiring knowledge. In the first case teacher sends information 
and the learners receive it. The innovative methods also deal with this process and 
their aim is to evaluate the activities of a teacher and learners using new ways and 
methods of teaching including new technical means of teaching. As we know that 
methodological approach in teaching foreign languages may be divided into three 
They are Passive methods, Active methods and also interactive methods. If 
we speak here in the first place about the passive methods, it should be noted that 
in Passive methods a teacher is in the center of teaching. He plays active role but 
the learners are passive.
Control can be carried out by the way of questions, individual and control 
work, tests etc. It may be useful when it is used by an experienced teacher. 
Secondly, in Active methods learners are also active. Their role and activity is 
equal in the process of interaction. Learners may ask questions; express their ideas 
with a teacher.
The last but it is in the first nowadays interactive method or approach is a 
modernized form of active methods. The most of teachers usually understand or 
mean cooperative action during the lesson. But here attention should be focused on 
inner action too.
The learners should have inner motivation which involves them into active 
work or active participation at the lesson. In interactive method teacher’s role is to 
direct learners activity to getting the aim of the lesson which include interactive 
exercises and tasks. Below some types of interactive methods are given: 
Brainstorming. It is technique for generating new ideas on a topic. These methods 

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«Использование инновационно-креативных технологий в обучении, практические основы применения нейролингвистического програмирования»

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