ISSN: 2776-0979, Volume 5, Issue 3, March - 2024
Jalgasbaeva Shaxnoza Muratbay qizi
Base Doctoral Student of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
In this article, the relevance of the importance of teaching in depth to the
requirements of various practices, Bachelor's orientation and application in order to
make programming languages widely available to the public, along with teaching in
world countries. On the basis of modern technologies, methods of teaching students
are interesting methods in unusual ways, rather than the usual ones, were considered
when taking classes.
: mobile applications, methods and ways, modern technologies.
Various practices are carried out in order to teach programming languages in world
countries and make it widely available to the public. It is becoming a major issue to
teach uslulls deeper into the requirements of undergraduate orientation based on
their application to practice.It is important that the program is fully operational and
well-maintained, no matter what way of studying it.
With the development of modern technologies, the need to teach students in unusual
ways or one interesting method is rather than the usual ones when taking classes is
increasing. Learning from video games on the internet, from internet materials, may
not be complicated or very understandable to them. For this reason, various methods
and methods are being developed in countries around the world and are being
improved as much as possible. As an example, let's get acquainted with the methods
of programming languages by the example of Etvyosh Lorand University.
The programming methodology is one of the oldest areas of information education,
according to the “Department of Informatics methodology”of Etvyosh Lorand
University, one of the Universities of Budapest, and therefore various methods have
been developed for its teaching. While some of them can be effectively applied in
primary or secondary education, others are more suitable for higher education
students. The methods themselves define the structure and training plans of courses
such as programming methodology, data types and algorithms, programming