will need to send a
payment receipt to the organizing committee
’s email (
, https : // ) .
Detailed information about the conference, rules for submitting abstracts, as
well as organizational issues can be found through representatives of the
organizing committee: Khuramova Farangiz
+ 99899 552 91 93
, Burliev Abdulla
+99897 484 62 26.
The organizing committee reserves the right to edit articles and abstracts.
The authors are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of
the facts presented in
the text. Inappropriate materials will not be included in the conference program.
Conference materials will be indexed in
Google Scholar
, those who made
presentations at the conference
are awarded a diploma, and participants are
awarded a certificate of participation.
Requirements for conference materials: the submitted
article should not
be more than 5 pages. Text of the article in doc \ docx format , 3 cm on the left, 1.5
cm on the right side, 2 cm on top and bottom, line spacing - 1.15 cm, Times font
New Roman 12 pt .
At the beginning there is the title of the article, author(s)
and position,
abstract (Not more 100 words), key words, article And References. There should be
one empty paragraph between the keywords and the article, and also between the
article and the literature used.
The electronic version of the article should be submitted
in a separate file
indicating the section number and the surname of the first author, for example,
Burliyev . docx