Is the software developed by a foreign (non-US)
bet | 7/9 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 468,93 Kb. | | #15600 |
| Is the software developed by a foreign (non-US) company?
If yes, in which country does the company reside?
yes no
Does the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Web site show any known vulnerabilities for this software? List each vulnerability and explain how you plan to mitigate each. (http://nvd.nist.gov)
yes no
Has the software product lifecycle been reflected in the budget, implementation plan, and operations plan?
Sponsors must have the ability to support, sustain, and maintain the product once in use.
Registry Plus is a suite of publicly available free software programs for collecting and processing cancer registry data. The Registry Plus suite can be used separately or together for routine or special data collection. These software programs, compliant with national standards, are made available by CDC to implement the National Program of Cancer Registries, established by Public Law 102-515.
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