Multimedia, Plug and Play, support for legacy applications, 32-bit (well mostly), Preemptive () multitasking, network and Internet, long file names, advanced memory management. Support for large capacity drives.
Win 9x install log files – need to know - Very A+
SETUPLOG.TXT - Used to log installation of Windows. Contains a list of user components chosen during installation. The [Detection] section is built following the hardware detection portion of setup. It indicates whether the detection phase of setup completed successfully or not. Windows uses this file when it is recovering from a crash to determine how far it got in the installation.
DETCRASH.LOG - Used to log hardware detection during setup. Readable only by setup process to determine which module was running when the system halted.
D ETLOG.TXT - Equivalent of DETCRASH.LOG written in a readable format. Keeps a record of hardware detected.
If Setup suspects that a network card is present, because it sees a network driver installed in Config.sys, it records in Setuplog.txt and Detlog.txt that it is about to look for the card. If it finds the card, it records the success in Detlog.txt. However, if an error occurs while Setup searches for the card, an entry is made in the Detcrash.log file. When Setup restarted, it looks at Detcrash.log and Setuplog.txt to determine what it was trying to do at the time of the crash.
NETLOG.TXT - Logs detected network component information.
BOOTLOG.TXT– Logs loaded drivers and services.
Exploring the directory
Each file gets its own entry in the DIRECTORY (32 bytes)
File Name
DOS 8.3 (8 character file name with optional 3 character extension)
File names should not use the following characters:
| < > \ ^ + = ? [ ] " ; : , * Very A+
Extension - dot not saved
VFAT, now we have FAT32, allows up to 255 characters
Note that there is a 260 character limit for pathname plus filename - Very A+
Create a file1, 2 and the file FILE3. The directory now looks like the following:
Delete File2 and file3. The directory now looks like the following:
Attribute (hidden / read only / archive / system) - Very A+
Time - Date
Starting cluster – where the file lives physically on the disk
Getting Windows Booted
Customizing MSDOS.SYS. You can change to entries in this file to customize the boot process.
First change attributes (not hidden, not system, not read only) then you can edit it with Notepad
Options: BootMulti, BootWin, BootGui, BootMenu etc.;EN-US;118579
Real mode. A text file used by DOS and supported by Windows 9x that lists device drivers (16-bit) drivers to be loaded at startup.
A startup text file once used by DOS and used by Windows to provide backward compatibility. It executes commands automatically during the boot process.
WIN.INI - Windows version of AUTOEXEC.BAT. For backwards compatibility. Its functions were replaced by the registry beginning with Windows 9x.
SYSTEM.INI - Windows version of CONFIG.SYS. For backwards compatibility
Use SYSEDIT to view and edit these files Very A+
Loading drivers