• Preface | xv CHAPTER 1
  • Learning Kali Linux

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    xiv | Preface

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    Special thanks to Courtney Allen, who has been a great contact at O’Reilly. Thanks
    also to my editor, Virginia Wilson, and of course, my technical reviewers who helped
    make the book better—Brandon Noble, Kathleen Hyde, and especially Megan
    Preface | xv

    Foundations of Kali Linux
    Kali Linux is a specialized distribution of the Linux operating system. It is targeted at
    people who want to engage in security work. This may be security testing, it may be
    exploit development or reverse engineering, or it may be digital forensics. The thing
    about Linux distributions is that they aren’t the same. Linux is really just the kernel—
    the actual operating system and the core of the distribution. Each distribution layers
    additional software on top of that core, making it unique. In the case of Kali, what
    gets layered on are not only the essential utilities, but also hundreds of software pack‐
    ages that are specific to security work.
    One of the really nice things about Linux, especially as compared to other operating
    systems, is that it is almost completely customizable. This includes the shell in which
    you type commands and the graphical desktop you use. Even beyond that, you can
    change the look of each of those things. Using Linux is all about making the system
    work for you, rather than having the system force the way you work because of how it
    works, looks, and feels.
    Linux actually has a long history, if you trace it back to its beginnings. Understanding
    this history will help provide some context for why Linux is the way it is—especially
    the seemingly arcane commands that are used to manage the system, manipulate
    files, and just get work done.

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