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    Encryption Testing
    We’ve had the ability to encrypt traffic over internet connections for over 20 years
    now. Encryption, like so much else that’s information security related, is a moving
    target. When the first version of SSL was released by Netscape in 1995, one version
    had already been discarded because of identified problems with it. The second ver‐
    sion didn’t last long before identified problems with it forced a third version, released
    the following year in 1996. Both SSLv2 and SSLv3 were both determined to be pro‐
    hibited as a result of the problems with the way they handle encryption.
    Network traffic that is encrypted follows a process that is not as simple as just taking
    a message, encrypting it, and sending it along, though that’s a part of the overall pro‐
    cess. Encryption relies on keys. The most sensitive part of any encryption process is
    Encryption Testing | 55

    always the key. A message that is encrypted is valuable only if it can be decrypted, of
    course. If I were to send you an encrypted message, you would need the key to be
    able to decrypt it. This is where the challenge starts to come in.
    There are two means of handling keys. The first is 
    asymmetric encryption
    . This is
    where there are two keys, one for encryption and one for decryption. You may also
    hear this referred to as 
    public key encryption
    . The idea is that everyone has two keys—
    a public key and a private key. The public key is something everyone can have. In fact,
    it works only if everyone has the ability to access everyone else’s public key. Encrypt‐
    ing a message using a public key means that the message can be decrypted only by
    using the private key. The two keys are mathematically related and based on calcula‐
    tions using large numbers. This all seems like a reasonable approach, right? The prob‐
    lem with asymmetric encryption is that it is computationally hard.
    This leads us to 
    symmetric encryption
    . With symmetric encryption, as you may have
    guessed, we have a single key. The same key encrypts and decrypts. Symmetric key
    encryption is computationally easier. However, symmetric key encryption has two
    problems. The first is that the longer a symmetric key is used, the more vulnerable to
    attack it is. This is because an attacker can gather a large volume of ciphertext (the
    result of feeding plain text into an encryption algorithm) and start performing analy‐
    sis on it in the hopes of deriving the key. Once the key has been identified, any traffic
    encrypted with that key can be easily decrypted.
    The second and more important problem is that after we have a key, how do we both
    get it? This works, after all, only if both of us have the key. So, how do we both have
    the key if we are not physically proximate? And if we are physically proximate, do we
    need to encrypt messages between us? We could have met at some point and shared
    the key, but that means that we are stuck using the key until we meet again and can
    create a new key so we both have it. The longer we use the same key without meeting
    again brings us to problem #1 noted previously.
    As it turns out, two mathematicians solved this problem, though they were not the
    first. They were just the first who could publish their work. Whitfield Diffie and Mar‐
    tin Hellman came up with the idea of having both sides independently derive the key.
    Essentially, we both start with a value that is shared. This can be safely shared unen‐
    crypted because it’s what happens to it after that matters. We both take this initial
    value and apply a secret value using a mathematical formula that we both know.
    Again, it doesn’t matter whether this is public because it’s the secret value that mat‐
    ters. We share each other’s result from our individual computations and then reapply
    our secret values to the other’s result. In this way, we will have both gone through the
    same mathematical process from a single starting point, so we will both have the
    same key in the end.
    The reason for going through all of this is that in practice, all of these mechanisms are
    used. The Diffie-Hellman key exchanged is used along with public-key cryptography

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