Linux Fundamentals Course specifications
bet | 4/5 | Sana | 28.03.2021 | Hajmi | 29,07 Kb. | | #13563 |
This courseware will provide you with the information you need to complete the following:
Describe the structural components of Linux and what distinguishes a distribution of Linux.
Describe Open Source Software and distinguish between GNU and GPL.
Create installation boot diskettes.
Install Linux distribution(s).
Install and configure XFree86.
Describe how to get online help.
Configure fundamental system hardware.
Use fdisk or cfdisk to create, edit, and delete disk partitions.
Use LILO to manage boot options.
Boot the system, change runlevels, and shut down or reboot the system.
Describe the Linux hierarchical file system and the role of key directories in organizing system files.
Work effectively on the Linux command line using common shell commands, streams, pipes, filters, and redirection.
Use shell scripting to quickly perform repetitive tasks.
Open, edit, and save text documents using the vi editor.
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