VI. Asosiy adabiyotlar
bet | 5/5 | Sana | 13.02.2024 | Hajmi | 30,47 Kb. | | #155880 |
Bog'liq 6. loyihalashda BIM Muvaqqat fan dasturi | 6
VI. Asosiy adabiyotlar:
1. Madhumita Kshirsagar, “Autodesk Revit For Architecture Explore The World Of BIM”, 2021 y.
2. S.S.Elmurodov, Z.Z.Raxmatillayeva, “Arxitekturaviy grafika va kompyuterda modellash”, o’quv qo’llanma, Toshkent-2018
3. Mariola Książek, Jerzy Rosłon, “ Building information modelling BIM ”., Iceland, Great Britain, 2017.
4. Mirxamidov D.X., Yormatov I.T. Kompyuterda loyixalash. TAKI. 2007.
5. T.Rixsiboyev, “Kompyuter grafikasi”, O’quv qo’llanma, Toshkent-2006
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