riformingning bir turi bo’lib, aromatik uglevodorodlar miqdorini ko’paytirish uchun xizmat qiladi. Jarayon boshlang’ich ashyodagi uglevodorodlarni degidrlash va shu vaqtning o’zida sikllashtirishdan iborat. Gidroforming uchun ashyo bo’lib og’ir uglevodorod fraksiyalari xizmat qiladi.
World systems theory to describe the theoretical bases of mutual relations and mutual bog`liqliklarini sort of quality. The system described in this concept a few they are conditionally divided into 3 groups.
deb vodorod qo’shilishi hisobiga to’yinish reaksiyaga aytiladi.
This whole concept of bilateral relations, including mutual harmony, depending on the interaction of moving parts depending on the nature of its system.
oltingugurt, azot va kislorod birikmalaridan tozalashda qo’llaniladi. Bu usulda bu birikmalar vodorod bilan qayta tiklanib, suvda yaxshi eriydigan oltingugurt sulfidi, ammiak va suv hosil qiladi.
input, output, process, or influence, me`zon and playback limitations
deb izomer strukturali uglevodorodlar hosil bo’ladigan reaksiyaga aytiladi.
supply, obtrtga foreign facilities were affected by the incident.
berilgan moddaning kimyoviy xossalariga ega bulgan eng kichik zarrachadir.
Configuring these two basic working and is not working out. Not working out it does not work
bu musbat zaryadlangan atom yadrosi bilan manfiy zaryadlangan elektronlardan tarkib topgan elektr neytral zarrachadir
This systematic approach to management systems, ie a comprehensive research professionals through the process of mutual dialogue, on the other hand the development of the general theory of the system, and automated management and configuration issues.
Kimyoviy element
bu yadrosining musbat zaryadi 1 xil bulgan atomlarning muayyan turidir.
This highly organized trustmark to coincide with the opening of the components of the system and analyze and manage complex interaction
Modifikatsiya (allatropiya)
kimyoviy elektr tuzilishi va xossalari turlicha bulgan 1 necha oddiy moddalar hosil qilishi
Its segments (each system independently of purpose) represents the organization of systems. Requested him to achieve a common goal to achieve than the system as a whole.
reaktsiyaga kirishayotgan moddalar orasidagi massa va xajmiy nisbatlar kurib chiqiladi.
This system and its elements interact with a response time of the external environment changed. Speaker system, reduction or may be averted. The concept of social peculiarities of the system represents a number of complex issues.
(Birikish reaktsiyasi) issiqlik chiqishi bilan boradigan reaktsiyalar
The reasons for the development of these systems tasavurlar objective factors and the analysis of the methods and theories of development; the learning process itself
(Ajralish reaktsiyasi) issiqlik yutilishi bilan boradigan reaktsiyalar
reducing the possibility of carrying out experiments to determine the nature or comments on the logical structure and logic devices.
kimyoning turli jarayonlardagi issiqlik effektlarini urganadigan bulim
providing the original study of the original features of Deputy
uzgarmas tarkibli birikmalar
Its replacement with another object, object, object, information about the nature of major orginals. Thus, the experiments were held on the object model to get the necessary information.
uzgaruvchan tarkiblilar
trustworthiness of the results of the experiment confirmed the model and gives the opportunity to acknowledge the prophecy of this process. Model adequacy depending on the model and the target acceptance criteria
Izotop (nuklid)
yadrodagi proton va neytronlarning soni uzgarmas bo’lgan atomdir.
Its Management Process; the involvement of the management operations, ensuring the achievement of the objectives of operating the system in accordance with an algorithm and wrote it. U.S. automatic control systems.
birlashgan yoki birgalikda ishtirok etish
as the direction of scientific research processes and events in the study of mathematical modeling. Research and systematic method to use as part of a systematic approach to organizational learning to make optimal decisions
(atom birikmalar) kovalent bog’lanishli birikmalar.
instrument to achieve this goal, the researchers concluded the process of mathematical expression. For example, you can see the black box model.
bo’linmagan elektronlar juftini beradigan atom
is a Greek word, which are legally represented by elements linked to one of a number of known integrity
uni biriktirib oladigan atom
burdensome elements that have been an integral part of what the model and modeling structures. Always under the mutual influence of the elements of the system depends on this process between elements of the system
atomlarning cheklangan sondagi kovalent bog’lanish xosil qilish xususiyati.
objective is one of the most important substance in the world. Being due to the presence of world events yeg`indisi not randomly, but in the process of legal action.
Empirik (molekulyar)
formula molekulalarning faqat miqdoriy va sifat tarkibini ya’ni birikmalardagi atomlarning turi va sonini kursatadi
All models of the content and structure of a derivative of the model. Council common cause of mathematical research is treated as a separate object.
reaktsiyalarning tezligini uzgartiradigan modda lekin uzi ishtirok etmaydi
structural scheme of the system of material and structural scheme of the system set sales all important Contacts and communicate with some of the elements of the environment.
kataliz reaktsiyani tezlashtiradi
Good luck to communicate with any elements of nature that are called Contacts between the bow and the determination to find content
kataliz reaktsiyani sekinlashtiradi
There may be a relationship between the elements of his