• Mitropolit-(
  • Modernism
  • Monoteism
  • Mujtahid
  • Mistitsizm – (qad. yunon. «yashirin, sirli») ilohiyot olami bilan bevosita muloqot qilish mumkinligi haqidagi ta’limot. Mistitsism

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    Мавзу Фалсафа фанининг предмети, ма=сади, вазифалари ва муаммол

    Mistitsizm – (qad. yunon. «yashirin, sirli») ilohiyot olami bilan bevosita muloqot qilish mumkinligi haqidagi ta’limot.
    Mistitsism-(ancient greek “secretly”)- is the education of about accessibleance of meeting with Theology world.
    Mitra – zardushtiylikdagi quyosh xudosi.
    Mitra-the God of Sun in Zardushtii
    Mitropolit – (qad. yunon. «bosh shahar, poytaxt, mitropoliya odami») pravoslav cherkovining poytaxt shaharlardagi oliy ruhoniylik unvoni.
    Mitropolit-(ancient greek. “main city,capital,person of mitropoly”) it is the superior clergyman title of pravoslav church in capital cities.
    Mif – (qad. yunon. «hikoyat, rivoyat») biror xalq orasida mashhur bo`lgan hikoyat, rivoyat, asotir.
    Myth - (ancient greek. “story legend”)it is a story, legend that famous around some people.
    Modernizm – dinni hozirgi zamon voqeligiga moslashtirishni yoqlab chiquvchi oqim.
    Modernism -is the trend that upholds the coordination of the religion to the reality of present time.
    Monastir – xristianlikda ruhoniylar jamiyatdan ajralib, faqat ibodat bilan shug`ullanadigan joy, muassasa. Ayollar va erkaklar uchun mo`ljallangan monastirlar mavjud.
    Cloister – is the place for worship seporating from clergy societies.There are cloisters planned for women and men.
    Monoteizm – (qad. yunon. «mono» – «yagona», «teo» – «ilohiyot») yakkaxudolik.
    Monoteism -(anc.greek. “mono”- “single”, “teo”- “theology”)
    Muboh – islom shariati qilish yoki qilmaslikni kishilar ixtiyoriga qo`ygan amallar
    Muboh-is the actions that leaving the people to their own devices in doing or not doing Islamic religious laws.
    Mujtahid – ijtihod qilish darajasiga etgan faqih olim.
    Muqaddas yozuv, Xushxabar – xristianlikning muqaddas kitobi “Injil”ga nisbatan ishlatiladigan nomlar.
    Sackred writing,Good news- they areused for Christians sacred book of “Gospel”

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    Mistitsizm – (qad. yunon. «yashirin, sirli») ilohiyot olami bilan bevosita muloqot qilish mumkinligi haqidagi ta’limot. Mistitsism

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