• Muhojirlar
  • Mutaziliya
  • Nirvana
  • God Father
  • Mutavotir-is the legends narrated by the people who never uses lies and famous for their honesty. Mutakallim –

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    Мавзу Фалсафа фанининг предмети, ма=сади, вазифалари ва муаммол

    Mutavotir-is the legends narrated by the people who never uses lies and famous for their honesty.
    Mutakallim – kalom ilmi bilan shug`ullangan olimlar “mutakallim” deb atalgan.
    Mutakallim-is the scientist who is engaged to word study.
    Muhaddis – (arab. «hadis so`zlovchi») hadislar bilan shug`ullanuvchi olim.
    Muhaddis-(arab. “narrator of hadith”)is the scientist narrator of hadith.
    Muhojirlar – (arab. «muhojir, emigrant») ilk islom tarixida Payg`ambar bilan Madinaga hijrat qilgan makkalik musulmonlar.
    Emigrants-the first muslims from Makka to go to Madina with prophet.
    Mushrik – ko`pxudolikda ayblangan odam.
    Mushrik –is the person who is blamed for politeon.
    Mu’taziliya – arab tilida “ajralib chiqmoq” ma’nosini anglatadi. Islom olamida eng katta e’tiqodiy ta’limotning nomi.
    Mutaziliya- in Arabic it means “separated” , it is the name of the biggest doctrine in Islam religion.
    Naqliy dalil – aqliy dalildan farqli ravishda naqliy dalil faqat Qur’on va sunnatga asoslangan.
    Narrative Evidence- differ from mental evidence ,it is based on Koran and circumcision.
    Nirvana (sanskr. «so`lish») buddizm va jaynizm diniy falsafalariga ko`ra, ruhning sansara kishanlaridan to`la ozod bo`lishi va oliy maqomga erishish.
    Nirvana-(Sanskrit “wither”) as aBuddhism doctrine , the soul’s becoming completely free from the fetters of samsara and reaching the high position.
    Ota Xudo - Xristianlikda Xudoning uch ko`rinishidan biri va asosiysi. Ota Xudo dunyoni yaratgan bo`lib, uchlikning qolgan ko`rinishlari (O`g`il Xudo va Muqaddas Ruh) undan kelib chiqqan hisoblanadi.
    God Father-one and the main of the three look of God in Christianity. God Father created the world,the rest of the appearances ( God Son and Sacred Soul) were originated by him.
    Oxirat – (arab. «boshqa, oxirgi, ikkinchi») bu dunyo oxiriga etganidan keyin barcha qayta tirilib, qilgan amallariga yarasha mukofot yoki jazo oladigan ikkinchi hayot.

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Mutavotir-is the legends narrated by the people who never uses lies and famous for their honesty. Mutakallim –

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