• Pesach
  • Positivism
  • Ravvin
  • Pergament –qog’oz kashf etilgunga qadar yozuv materiali sifatida ishlatilgan teri. Pergament

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    Мавзу Фалсафа фанининг предмети, ма=сади, вазифалари ва муаммол

    Pergament –qog’oz kashf etilgunga qadar yozuv materiali sifatida ishlatilgan teri.
    Pergament –it is the material used for writing before inventing paper.
    Pesax –yahudiylarning Qadimgi Misrdan qochib chiqib,ozod bo’lishlari munosabati bilan nishonlanadigan bayram.
    Pesach-it is a holiday of Jewish people, celebration of becoming independent from Ancient Egypt.
    Pir –teacher,master.
    Positivizm-falsafada XIX asr 30-yillarda paydo bo’lgan positive,aniq fanlarni haqiqiy bilimlardir ,deb e’tirof etgan oqim.
    Positivism –a type of philosophy based on only facts which can be scientifically proved,rather than on ideas.It became exist in philosophy in XIX century 30-years.
    Politeizm-[qad.yunon ‘poli’ ko’p, ‘teo’ xudo] ko’pxudolik.
    Politeism – (old.greek «poli» – «many», «teo» – «God») .
    Pora- [Juz] [fors. ‘pora’ arab ‘juz’ qism,bo’lim ] Qur’onning o’ttizdan bir qismi.
    Pora (Juz) – (farsi. «piece», arabic. «juz’» - «part,share») it is one of thirty parts of the Koran.
    Post-xristian dinidagi ro’za. Post kunlari xristianlarga faqat o’simlik mahsulotlarini yeyish ruxsat rtiladi.
    Post- ­it is fasting day of Christians,this day they are allowed to eat only vegetables.
    Presviter-[yunoncha,lotincha oqsoqol,jamoa boshlig’i] xristian ruhoniylik ieararhiyasida yuqori o’rinni egallovchi diniy lavozim,qadimda episkoplar shunday atalgan.
    Presviter (greek,latin — “tribal elder,head of clan”) –one of the most important rulers of Christian churches. Once,episcopes were called as this.
    Ravvin-yahudiy din arbobi.
    Ravvin – jevish man of religion,religious leader. He refereed religious and family problems of jevish communities.
    Risolat – prophetic.
    Roviy-[arab rivoyatchi] hadis rivoyat qiluvchi kishi.
    Roviy – (arabic. «narrator,reciter») a man who recites ‘hadis’.

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    Pergament –qog’oz kashf etilgunga qadar yozuv materiali sifatida ishlatilgan teri. Pergament

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