• Tavrot, Tora
  • Taqririy sunnat
  • Tavakkul – according to religious education, someone believed in God and dedicated himself. Tavof-

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    Мавзу Фалсафа фанининг предмети, ма=сади, вазифалари ва муаммол

    Tavakkul – according to religious education, someone believed in God and dedicated himself.
    Tavof- Ka’baning atrofini aylanish.
    Tavof –go,walk around Ka’ba.
    Tavrot,Tora [ivritcha ta’limot,qonun] yahudiylik va xristianlik dinlarida tan olinadigan va Bibliya tarkibiga kiruvchi muqaddas manba.Tavrotning muallifi sifatida Muso ko’rsatiladi.Tavrot besh kitob; ‘Ibtido’, ‘Chiqish’, ‘Levit’, ‘Sonlar’ va ‘Ikkinchi qonun’ dan iborat.
    Tavrot, Tora (ivrit — “education,rule”) –a sacred source which is the part of Bible and is believed by Jewish and Christian religions.Isos is shown as an author of Tavrot. It consists of five books. ‘Commencement’, ’Exit’, ’Levit’ ‘Numbers’ ’’Second rule’’.
    Taqririy sunnat-Sahobiylar toonidan biror hatti-harakat yoki gap-so’zga Payg’ambar [ s.a.v]ning indamasliklari yoki ma’qullashlari.
    Taqririy sunnat- It is Payg`ambar’s (s.a.v.) silence and approval to Sahabiys’ work or words.
    Talmud-[ivrit. ‘lameyd’ ‘o’rganish’]Tavrotga yozilgan sharhlar to’plami.
    Talmud – (ivrit. «lameyd» ­ «to study» ) the comments were written for Tavrot.
    Tanjur-[tibetcha-‘sharhlar tarjimasi’] buddaviylikning asosiy aqidaviy masalalari bayon qilingan ‘Kanjur’ kitobining sharhi.254 jild va 3 mingga yaqin matnlardan iborat.
    Tanjur (tybet – “translation of comments”) –The commention of the book ‘Kanjur’ which is given an account of main religious dogmas of Buddhism. It consists of 254 volumes,about 3 thosand texts.
    Tantrizm -[sanskritcha ‘tantra’ mato]-buddaviylik va hinduiylik dinlarida mavjud bo’lgan diniy-falsafiy ta’limot.Eramizning 1-asrida vujudga kelgan.Insondagi jinsiy,shahvoniy xislatlar muhimligi asosiga qurilgan.Ta’limot asoslari ‘tantra’lar deb nomlanadigan yozuvlarda bayon qilingan.
    Tantrism (sanscrit. – “tantra”-cloth, material) –Religious-phylosophic education which there is in religion of Buddhism and induism. It became exist in 1st century of A.D. It is based on the importance of sexual and sensual qualities of human. Bases of this education were set forth with writings called “tantras” .

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Tavakkul – according to religious education, someone believed in God and dedicated himself. Tavof-

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