• // Start the process with the next line. // This function is called when the document is loaded. // Note that this function responds to the onload
  • // This function displays all the Text and CDATASection nodes of a // given node. function displayContents(node) {
  • for (index = 0; index var childNode = node.childNodes.item(index);
  • outputBuffer += childNode.nodeValue; } // If the child node is of type CDATASection, then // add its contents to the output buffer.
  • // Now that we have built up the output buffer, it can be // displayed through an alert box. alert(outputBuffer); }
  • alert(childNode.nodeName)

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    Ceponkus, Hoodbhoy - Applied XML - Toolkit for Programmers
    1. Работа с современными учебными техническими средствами по информационным технологиям1, Quchqorov Bahromning F.O`.M fanidan Slayd, 65dfb5a88b75b5da48b5a403fa4d41c2, CqAmAyPw4fTCALP4WYshpYdZitzfIdVeTpeXQRhQ, Toza qayta tiklanadigan energiyaga global talabning tobora ortib borayotgani bizning sayyoramizdagi kelajagimiz uchun katta iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy ta, 1, 1, 853777, O.S.Axmedov Python dasturlash tili fanidan yakuniy nazorat 30ta bilet [3 0], Fortuna akumliyatori, Презентация2, 1. Gravirazvedka — lotin, DMM6500-FRP-v1 7 12 Apr 2022 RNs DMM6500-FRP-V1.7.12, Microsoft Word Document, 1- 2Электромагнит нурланишларнинг муҳитлар билан таъсирлашуви фанининг предмети


    tag. start() then 
    passes visit(...) the first element, the documentElement, and then visit(...) takes over. 

    - 137 -
    visit(...) checks if the node that is passed to it is an Element node; if so, the tag name for 
    the element is displayed to the user through an alert box. The function then performs the 
    same action on the children with a depth-first traversal of the tree. Depth-first means that 
    the function goes as deep as possible before visiting siblings. The other type of traversal 
    is referred to as a breadth-first traversal, where all the siblings are first visited and then 
    the children.

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