Microsoft Windows CE 5.0
Network Gateway Devices
Microsoft® Windows® CE—A Flexible, Comprehensive Software Platform for Building Network Gateways
Microsoft Corporation
Published: June 2004
Balz Wyss, Ph.D.
Product Manager,
Mobility & Embedded Division (MED)
In an increasingly connected world, gateways are rapidly becoming the focal device for connecting digital devices across home and enterprise networks. This white paper summarizes trends in the gateway device industry and presents a detailed description of the Windows CE 5.0 operating system, Microsoft‘s solution for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and service operators who want to build and deploy reliable, adaptable gateway devices that end users can easily set up and configure at home or in a small office.
Windows CE 5.0 offers a complete network gateway solution that includes an extensive layer of network protocols, security features, and reliable remote management tools, as well as a ready-to-use sample configuration that allows OEMs and service operators to rapidly build, test, deploy, and service customized network devices. This comprehensive solution also gives partners the flexibility to quickly design and deploy intuitive gateway user interfaces based on familiar Windows experiences, getting to market faster and saving on development and maintenance cost.
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