• Before meeting a new class , it is necessary to identify the names of the students. It makes the process of communication easier with students
  • Individualised cards/labels
  • Turning the cards around
  • Noting memorable characteristic When you meet students first hear their names . Keep a note of something that will help you to recognize that person again.
  • Put a photo with a commentary on the Internet
  • Thank you for your Attention!
  • Learning names

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    Learning names 2

    Learning names

    Contents of this template

    First technique

    Preparing to meet your class

    Second technique

    Name cards or labels

    Third technique

    Individualised cards/labels

    Fourth technique

    Turning the cards around

    Fifth technique

    Room map

    Sixth technique

    Noting memorable characteristics

    Seventh technique
    Photo poster or booklet
    Eighth technique
    Photo with a commentary
    Ninth technique
    Testing yourself


    Some teachers do not consider asking the names of the students as an important tool of the lesson. Sometimes they mat complain about it or it is hard to keep the names of all students in mind . However, none of these can be an excuse not to do so.

    Before meeting a new class , it is necessary to identify the names of the students. It makes the process of communication easier with students

    Preparing to meet
    your class

    Ask the students to take pieces of paper and fold them in half to make stand-up name cards to place these in front of their desks

    Naming cards or labels

    Individualised cards/labels

    Instead of asking students just to mention their names , it is better to explain students to describe themselves in a better way . For instance:

    • Their hobbies
    • Possessions
    • Favorite food
    • Loving sport
    • Personal characteristic

    Turning the cards around

    Turning the names by students

    Turning the names by the teacher

    Both techniques help the teacher to remember names better

    Room map

    Draw a simple skecht of the room

    Seats , desks , tables

    This technique helps you to remember students’ names better

    Noting memorable characteristic When you meet students first hear their names . Keep a note of something that will help you to recognize that person again.

    Photo poster or booklet

    Ask each student to bring the photo of themselves or email you a digital copy .

    Stick these down on a large sheet of paper to make a poster or make them into a digital collage or booklet

    Put a photo with a commentary on the Internet

    If your class has a website , ask each student to upload a photo and a short recording.

    Testing youself

    Whatever method of collecting name information you choose . It is vital that you take sometime going over your list/plan and testing yourself

    Thank you for your Attention!

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