• License Server Security Group Policy
  • Administration
  • Terminal Server Licensing Tool
  • Terminal Server License Reporting Tool
  • Terminal Server Client License Test Tool
  • Terminal Server License Server Viewer Tool
  • Preferred License Server WMI Scripts
  • Prevent License Upgrade Policy

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    Prevent License Upgrade Policy

    Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Licensing

    A license server attempts to provide the most appropriate Client Access License (CAL) for a connection. For example, a license server provides a Windows 2000 TS CAL token for clients connecting to a terminal server running Windows 2000 and a Windows Server 2003 Family Per Device TS CAL token for a connection to a terminal server running Windows Server 2003.

    By default, this per-computer setting allows a license server to supply a Windows Server 2003 Family Device TS CAL token, if available, to a terminal server running Windows 2000 if there are no Windows 2000 TS CAL tokens available.

    If the status is set to Enabled, when a terminal server running Windows 2000 requests a license, but no Windows 2000 TS CAL token is available, a temporary CAL is issued if the client has not already been issued a temporary CAL. Otherwise, no CAL is issued and the client is refused connection, unless the terminal server is within its grace period.


    This policy only applies to Device CAL tokens, as there is only one version of User CAL tokens.

    License Server Security Group Policy

    Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Licensing

    You can use this setting to control which servers are issued licenses. By default, a terminal server license server issues a license to any computer that requests one.

    For example, this policy might be useful in a departmental deployment in which each department purchases its own TS CALs and terminal servers. This policy allow a department to control which terminal servers are able to request TS CAL tokens from their license server(s).

    If the status is set to Enabled, the terminal server license Server grants licenses only to computers whose computer accounts are placed in the Terminal Services Computers local group. When the license server is a domain controller, this group is a domain local group.


    1. The Terminal Services Computers group is empty by default. The terminal server license server does not grant licenses to any computers unless you explicitly populate this group.

    2. The most efficient way to manage terminal server computer accounts is to create a global group containing the accounts of all terminal servers and license servers that must receive licenses. Then, place this global group into the local (or domain local) Terminal Services Computers group. This method allows a domain administrator to manage a single list of computer accounts.

    3. To add a computer account to a group, open the Computer Management snap-in, navigate to the Properties page of the group, and click Add. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, click Object Types and then check Computers.


    The primary tool used to manage the licensing service is the Terminal Server Licensing admin tool, which is installed by default. This tool is used to activate the license server, install licenses tokens, view the data contained in the license database, and generally administer the license server. The other tools, including the Terminal Server License Reporting tool, Terminal Server Client License Test tool and the Terminal Server License Server View tool are described below.

    Terminal Server Licensing Tool

    The Terminal Server Licensing tool provides for the administration of the license server. When started, it displays a list of all discoverable license servers (see Figure 2) and can be used to administer any of those servers from a single location.

    Figure 2  Terminal Server Licensing tool

    Selecting a license server allows it to be managed. Supported activities include:

    • Activating the license server

    • Installing license tokens

    • Viewing license issuance and availability details

    • Advanced options such as de-activating a license server

    Many of the activities in the preceding list are related to communication with the Microsoft Clearinghouse. The centralized management capabilities of this tool simplify the process by allowing a single, Internet-connected site to provide these services for an enterprise.

    Terminal Server License Reporting Tool

    The Terminal Server License Reporting tool (LSREPORT.EXE) provided with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit can be used to analyze the information contained in the license server database. It is a command-line utility that outputs the information from the license server’s database into a tab-delimited text file. The tool has been updated to include the client Hardware ID in the report which is useful for tracking licenses issued to particular client devices. The reporting tool can be used with the following parameters:

    /F filename

    Directs output to the written to a file name ”filename” (”filename” defaults to ’lsreport.txt”).

    /D start [end]

    Writes only license tokens that were issued between start and end (end defaults to the current date).


    Directs only temporary tokens to be written



    Directs Hardware ID to be included in report (only for Windows Server 2003 license servers).

    A list of servers to query. If not specified, a list will be obtained from a domain controller.


    Prints a program summary to the screen.


    Lsreport [/F filename] [/D start [end]] [/T] [/?] [serverlist]



    Lsreport /T NTLS-1 NTLS2

    Terminal Server Client License Test Tool

    The Terminal Server Client License Test tool (TSTCST.EXE) provided with the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit can be used to display details about the license token residing on a client device. It is a command-line utility that displays the following information by default:

    • Issuer

    • Scope

    • Issued to computer

    • Issued to user

    • License ID

    • Type/Version

    • Valid From

    • Expires On

    By using the /A switch, the following additional information is displayed:

    • Server certificate version

    • Licensed product version

    • Hardware ID

    • Client platform ID

    • Company name

    Terminal Server License Server Viewer Tool

    The Terminal Server License Server Viewer tool (LSVIEW.EXE) provided with the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit can be used to display the license servers that are discoverable on your network. It is a GUI–based utility that shows the name and type of each license server that it discovers. It also provides the ability to create a log file with advanced diagnostic information about the discovery process.

    Preferred License Server WMI Scripts

    Use the following WMI script to set a preferred license server:




    ' WMI VBscript to add a specified License server to Terminal server's registry



    if Wscript.arguments.count<1 then
    Wscript.echo "Script requires one argument, the LicenseServerName"

    Wscript.echo "e.g. cscript AddLicenseServer LicenseServerName"


    end if
    Dim strServer

    for each terminal in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("win32_TerminalServiceSetting")
    result = terminal.AddDirectConnectLicenseServer (strServer)
    WScript.Echo "Method returned result = " & result
    if err <>0 then

    WScript.Echo Err.Description, "0x" & Hex(Err.Number)

    end if


    Use the following WMI script to delete preferred license servers:



    ' WMI VBscript to add a specified License server to Terminal server's registry



    if Wscript.arguments.count<1 then
    Wscript.echo "Script requires one argument, the LicenseServerName"

    Wscript.echo "e.g. cscript DeleteLicenseServer LicenseServerName"


    end if
    Dim strServer

    for each terminal in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("win32_TerminalServiceSetting")
    result = terminal.DeleteDirectConnectLicenseServer (strServer)
    WScript.Echo "Method returned result = " & result
    if err <>0 then

    WScript.Echo Err.Description, "0x" & Hex(Err.Number)

    end if


    Use the following WMI script to query preferred license server settings:



    ' WMI VBScript that queries the License servers configured for registry bypass.


    ' on the Terminal server



    for each Terminal in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("win32_TerminalServiceSetting")

    WScript.Echo "The License Servers are = " & Terminal.DirectConnectLicenseServers



    Domain License Server – The scope of a domain license server is a domain or a workgroup.

    Enterprise License Server – Enterprise license server is the default setting for a license server. Its scope is an Active Directory site.

    License Code – A license code is a 25-character alphanumeric code that represents the type and number of licenses you are entitled to. The License Code comes as part of the Microsoft License Pack (MLP) packaging.

    License Key – A license key consists of the digital certificate bits that represent a license. The license key for a TS CAL is stored locally on the client device.

    License Key Pack – A license key pack is a digital representation of a group of license keys. License key packs are installed on the license server as a result of license installation.

    License Key Pack ID – A license key pack ID is a 35-character alphanumeric representation of a license key pack and is used to install licenses when using the WWW or Phone method.

    License Server – A license server is a computer that runs a Windows Server 2003 operating system that has been configured with the Terminal Server Licensing service.

    License Server Activation – License server activation is the process of assigning a server a limited-use X-509 certificate for the purpose of issuing license keys.

    License Server ID – A license server ID is a 35-character alphanumeric representation of the certificate of a license server, which is used to obtain a license key pack by means of a license installation.


    The Terminal Server Licensing service provides a mechanism to manage and allocate TS CAL tokens. It works in conjunction with terminal server, terminal server clients, and an automated clearinghouse to manage the licensing process. This facility simplifies the license tracking process for system administrators.

    For More Information

    For the latest information on the Windows Server 2003 family, Terminal Server, and the Terminal Server Licensing service, visit:

    • Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services

    http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/terminalservices/ or http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=18340

    • Microsoft Windows Server 2003

    http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003 or http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=17533

    http://support.microsoft.com/?id=823313 or http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=23444

    • Terminal Services FAQ

    http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/community/centers/terminal/terminal_faq.mspx#XSLTfaqSection121123121120120 or http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=23445

    For additional information about the deployment and management of the Terminal Server Licensing service, see the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit and the Deployment Planning Guide in the Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Resource Kit at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/techinfo/reskit/deploykit.mspx or http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=4298

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