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  • Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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    Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

    В данной статье рассматривается необходимость создания 
    автоматизированных образовательных информационных систем для повышения 
    качества образования в Узбекистане, особенно в области программирования. Также 
    в статье представлены рекомендации по реализации этих идей, включая 
    инвестирование в разработку и внедрение автоматизированных образовательных 
    информационных систем, интеграцию инновационных технологий, использование 
    профессионального развития педагогов. 
    Ключевые слова
    : Автоматизированные образовательные информационные 
    системы, критерии справедливости, критерии оценки, индивидуализация 
    образования, инновационные технологии, знания и навыки, обучение 
    программированию, качество образования 
    The Republic of Uzbekistan has set ambitious goals of becoming a developed country 
    and achieving socio-economic development. To achieve these goals, it is crucial to provide 
    highly qualified personnel in educational institutions. 
    The modern stage of society's development is characterized by rapid technological 
    advancements, which impact all spheres and introduce new changes into the system of 
    information transmission. However, traditional teaching methods in various directions of 
    the education system do not always provide a sufficiently high-quality level of training for 
    mature specialists. The main problems of traditional teaching methods are the lack of 
    consideration for individual student characteristics, difficulties in increasing student 
    activity, as well as significant shortcomings in monitoring students' knowledge, skills, and 
    abilities over time based on criteria of fairness. 

    In this regard, one of the effective ways to overcome these difficulties is the creation of 
    automated educational information systems. These systems allow for the organization and 
    management of the educational process, control of knowledge and skills, and analysis of 
    monitoring results. Furthermore, by studying the experience of advanced foreign countries, 
    it is observed that testing technologies currently occupy a leading position in assessing 
    students' knowledge. Assessing practical knowledge, skills, and abilities in some areas of 
    learning takes a back seat, however. One of the main reasons for this is that testing 
    technologies are much more convenient and time-saving for assessing students' 
    knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the possibilities of these systems to assess 
    practical knowledge in the field of programming. 
    Automated educational information systems offer an effective way to overcome these 
    difficulties. They allow for the organization and management of the educational process, 
    the control of knowledge and skills, and the analysis of monitoring results. Although testing 
    technologies are increasingly popular in assessing students' knowledge, evaluating 
    practical knowledge and skills in programming education takes a back seat due to the 
    convenience and time-saving benefits of testing technologies. 
    However, it is essential to explore the possibilities of these systems to assess practical 
    knowledge in programming. By studying the experience of advanced foreign countries, 
    Uzbekistan can learn from best practices and implement an effective automated 
    educational information system that can provide fair evaluation criteria and improve the 
    quality of education in programming. 
    Currently, testing technologies occupy a leading position in assessing students' 
    knowledge. However, they mainly focus on evaluating theoretical knowledge, while 
    assessing practical knowledge, skills, and abilities in some areas of learning takes a back 
    seat. To address this issue, it is crucial to develop automated educational information 
    systems that can assess practical knowledge, which is particularly essential in areas such as 
    By studying the experience of advanced foreign countries, it becomes evident that 
    similar testing systems are being used in the field of programming. These systems offer 
    significant benefits, such as time-saving for teachers, transparent and fair assessment, 
    organization of independent student work, and arrangement of distance courses on 
    programming in educational institutions. 
    Firstly, these systems save time for teachers, as the accuracy of algorithms is 
    automatically checked by the system, rather than by the teacher. This not only saves time 
    but also ensures consistency in evaluating students. 
    Secondly, these systems ensure transparency and fairness in the evaluation process. The 
    overall results of students are reflected in the "monitor" section of the system, providing an 
    objective and transparent evaluation of students' performance. 
    Thirdly, the system facilitates independent learning and participation in competitions. 
    The system is installed on the global internet or regional networks, and students can 
    become system participants, independently develop and study thematic questions 
    organized by the teacher, as well as check their knowledge. This promotes self-directed 
    learning and allows students to develop their skills at their own pace. 
    Finally, the system allows for the creation of remote learning courses in programming 
    and other disciplines, eliminating the need for a specific time, place, or specialist. This 
    increases accessibility to education, especially for students in remote areas, and provides 
    an opportunity for lifelong learning. 
    In this article, we provide specific recommendations for implementing methodologies 
    that can significantly improve the quality of education. Below are five practical tips that can 
    help effectively integrate innovative technologies and methodologies into the educational 

    Use of Automated Educational Information Systems: Educational institutions should 
    invest in the development and implementation of automated educational information 
    systems to facilitate the educational process. These systems should be able to organize and 
    manage the educational process, control knowledge and skills, and analyze monitoring 
    Integration of Innovative Technologies: The integration of innovative technologies, such 
    as online courses, multimedia tools, and educational games, can enhance the learning 
    experience and improve student engagement. Educational institutions should invest in the 
    development and implementation of such technologies to improve the quality of education. 
    Use of Testing Technologies: Testing technologies should be used to assess students' 
    knowledge. However, it is important to ensure that such technologies are used to assess 
    both theoretical and practical knowledge. Educational institutions should develop fair test 
    evaluation criteria and manage them through a Unified Automated System to ensure 
    transparency and fairness of assessment. 
    Individualization of Education: Traditional teaching methods often lack consideration 
    for individual characteristics of students. Educational institutions should adopt 
    individualized learning strategies, such as differentiated instruction, that take into account 
    the unique needs and learning styles of each student. 
    Professional Development of Educators: Educators should be provided with professional 
    development opportunities that enable them to adopt innovative teaching methodologies 
    and effectively integrate technology in the classroom. Educational institutions should 
    invest in the development and implementation of such programs to improve the quality of 
    By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions in Uzbekistan can 
    improve the quality of education and ensure that citizens are equipped with the knowledge 
    and skills necessary to meet the requirements of scientific and technological progress of 
    the 21st century. 
    In conclusion, the development of automated educational information systems for 
    programming education can improve the quality of education in Uzbekistan by 
    individualizing the learning process, increasing student activity, and fairly monitoring 
    knowledge, skills, and abilities. Uzbekistan can learn from advanced foreign countries to 
    make progress in programming education and produce qualified personnel for socio-
    economic development. 
    However, implementing these systems requires significant financial and technical 
    resources. Therefore, clear plans for their creation, qualified personnel training, 
    comprehensive regulations, and stakeholder involvement are critical. These measures are 
    necessary for Uzbekistan to keep pace with the changing technological landscape and 
    integrate into the global economy. 
    Automated educational information systems in programming education are a timely and 
    necessary measure for Uzbekistan to improve education quality and provide essential skills 
    to students for the 21st century. 

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    Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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